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While there is another thread dealing with this topic, it was very verbally abusive.

But is indeed obvious that there has been a rapid increase in bait threads, bog down topics, low quality posts, etc.

Is there some systematic way this can be dealt with going forward? Besides bans for outright terrible behaviour I mean.

I don't have suggestions myself. The only thing that comes to mind is perhaps low quality threads could be dumped on the b board if a majority of moderators agree.

Any ideas?


mods need to use bumpanchors more liberally, for threads which are bait but don't break rules. it's a good middle ground between nuking a thread and letting it shit up the board.


I don't know why some mods are using permasage on threads on /b/.
If a /b/ thread is so bad to warrant permasage it might as well be deleted.


It might be saged by one then moved to /b/ by another who forgot to unsage.


Just copy this here for future reference:

Perhaps some kind of quarantine segment (for posting; other boards would still be visible) would useful.

Like you need to make a certain number of posts there before you are allowed into the main boards.

This could help with raid and bot control, since the boards proper would then operate on a whitelist system instead of blacklist one (read a ban system) eliminating the costly demands on jannies of the current whack a mole framework.

In this setup, you could even allow for soft bans were people are not rejected from the site entirely, just moved back to quarantine for a time.


Potentially interesting suggestion, but this site essentially wouldn't be an imageboard anymore in that case. We might as well become a traditional forum.


I mean it is an interesting idea, but like >>7170 said, the lack of user authentication, while damn annoying for staff, is ultimately why imageboards are so convenient and fun to use sometimes. I like being about to log in on my VPN (because fuck feds and $$$capitalists$$$, not ban evasion) and just post immediately.



Well we also could do things the other way around, where we have one board that is the /quality board reserved for leftypol's goodfaithers.


Sneed post


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>The only thing that comes to mind is perhaps low quality threads could be dumped on the b board if a majority of moderators agree.
Is this a bit? What do you think 80% of /b/ threads are?


A lot of threads have been started lately that seem to be focused lolbertarian related topics.

I think we may have a troll trying to shift attention (rather than just shitpost).


and the influx of faggots that suggest everything is illegal


But leftypol is radlib central, jannies are radlibs themselves


There are plenty of censored subreddits where you can discuss your ideas in a safe space, dont bring this shit to an imageboard.

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