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>ban posts with less than 200 characters
>people must now write a fucking essay to bitch about simple problems they have living under capitalism
>board slowly slides into tankies having arcane arguments about their respective ideologies and divorced from material reality
Who saw that coming? I didn't.


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>muh 200 characters
>only on /leftypol/ board
post on >>>/b/


Make it 500


Keep spamming these image macros everywhere and pretending you're an intellectual.

>put a valid complaint about my lived experience of capitalism on the same footing as a shitpost about shrek getting fucked in the ass


if its a valid critism it shoudlnt be a problem to make it as long as a tweet


This is ogrechan, there is no higher honour than being compared to shrek, ass fucking or not.


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I could do that but then it wouldn't be 1/10th as witty and therefore wouldn't get as many replies.


>lived experience



holy fuck I can't literally write a medium length sentence about the topic I want to discuss, this is fucking oppression :'(


>200 characters
is this the power of burger education system ?

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