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I hereby respectfully request that porn should be banned from /b/. Porn has no place in a leftist forum. It is ridiculous that I might be subject to porn every time I click on /overboard/. I have filtered /b/, but it still shows up in the /overboard/ catalog. That said, even if I could filter /b/ from the catalog, it would still be unacceptable. New users looking for serious leftist discussion will be turned away when they open /overboard/ and it's full of porn from /b/ (and low quality shitposts for that matter, but I digress). Ever since /b/'s inception, there has regularly been a porn thread on /overboard/. Think of what impression this makes on new users. Imagine visiting this website for the first time and then seeing this thread on the top of /overboard/: https://leftypol.org/b/res/9485.html.

On another note, I respectfully request that /b/ should be completely deleted. /b/ promotes and only promotes low level discourse, and it has quickly become a cesspit that shits up /overboard/ ever since its inception. I see no point for the existence of /b/ except that it's a remnant of other general chans. However, this is /leftypol/, not a 4chan/8chan clone. This website should be focused on leftist discussion. The side boards (e.g., hobby, tech, edu, etc.) are fine since the thread in there are high quality discussions that are at the very least tangentially related to leftism. I cannot say the same about /b/.


My only opinion on this subject is that naming our offtopic board /b/ was a stupid fucking mistake because it comes with a lot of unwanted baggage from imageboard history, mostly 4chan's.


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>delete the second most active board because I'm too much of a siestapilled faggot to check the three posts a day made outside of /leftypol/


If shitposting on /b/ is your idea of fun, then I question your intelligence.

That's a complete mischaracterization of what I argument. I really hate this chan-style strawman arguing as I can't give a proper retort when you all resort to ridiculous strawmans due to having no actual argument.


>I respectfully request that /b/ should be completely deleted
>It is ridiculous that I might be subject to porn every time I click on /overboard/
>That said, even if I could filter /b/ from the catalog, it would still be unacceptable
>The side boards (e.g., hobby, tech, edu, etc.) are fine
>I'm a gigantic faggot that insists on using a feature that shows me 25% more posts but I hate every single one of those posts and they should all be deleted so I can browse /leftypol/ via the overboard in peace
You could have asked for more features for the overboard, but your cryptojanny internet cop brain made you say all these very real quotes




Is this the anti-fun thread? Well I unironically think mods shouldn't be allowed to post outside of /meta/ with their capcodes.


second paragraph completely undermines the first and makes you sound stupid.
calling it /b/ might not be the best idea (i am nothing if not anti-imageboard tradition) but imageboards often work well when everyone's acting like an idiot. there should be a place for left wing oriented shitposting, and if that's not to be /leftypol/ then /b/ is the most natural place for it. the only reason to delete /b/ is if you want more shitposting on /leftypol/.




>imageboards often work well when everyone's acting like an idiot
What? In what way? Maybe I'm too old for this shit, but I don't want /b/-tier shitposting on this website.
>there should be a place for left wing oriented shitposting
I disagree. Like I said, /b/ promotes low-level discourse. Furthermore, it attracts people who only want to engage in this low-level discourse which in turn shits up the website as a whole. However, that's not my main point of contention. If porn was banned from /b/—and from this website in general—I'll be happy. Perhaps porn-less /b/ will be tolerable enough to ignore.


Sometimes I post porn, and I agree.


OP is the kind of person who sits around smoking a pipe and thinks they are a classy individual. Being on the left doesn't mean being super serious all the time. You think Lenin didn't bullshit and fuck around? Marx was a raging alcoholic. Fuck off OP. I can understand removing it from the overboard but removing /b/ all together, fuck off.


This isn't the only place on the internet you can find porn, you know… Besides, no one is making porn OC, it's all content from somewhere else. There's literally millions of porn sites on the internet and you're getting mad there may not be any here? Really?



But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be a place I can. If leftypol can be the only website I use foreverthing then why shouldn't it?


>I hereby respectfully request that porn should be banned from /b/
>I respectfully request that /b/ should be completely deleted.
I respectfully request that you kill yourself, OP, so we won't have to deal with your retarded posts ever again


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You could ask for a nsfw-overboard and a sfw-overboard


Whatever happened to SFW Overboard?

Just bring that back so there's Overboard and SFW Overboard, make /b/ not show up in SFW Overboard and issue = solved, No?




This plus a ban to non-missionary porn


might be La'Tecia Thomas


>If leftypol can be the only website I use foreverthing then why shouldn't it?
oh well then if it's the only website you use maybe it should also provide you with an email account as well, banking account, food delivery… if you couldn't tell, your argument is retarded and so are you.


Boorus do a much better job at providing you porn than the random board on a niche leftist imageboard does.


GTFO newfag.
I agree with the porn thing though, we know the Transhuman jannies probably are porn lifestylists because they are many american but we should at lest fucking force these incels to spoiler there images.


Based idea, we will roll out /leftypol/ banking and shopping soon.

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