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File: 1620176277693.jpg ( 89.31 KB , 1050x858 , 1620091221791.jpg )


When are you faggot admins going to address the wojak spam? It is unbearable to lurk a thread that has over 30 shitposts of greentext and shitty .jpg images

It should be a bannable offense to post more than three on the same day, if your only contribution to a thread is spamming it with shitpost because you can't form a coherent reply, you shouldn't post, just look at the Albanian faggot and the anfem currently spamming the main board.


Do your fucking job jannies


File: 1620180243088.png ( 22.83 KB , 783x1176 , 1620080626425.png )

>Do your fucking job jannies


You realize that was a bot spamming the board?


The hasty merger sure was a good plan and ended up advantageous, hasn't it.


yeah we've never had spam before this.


Please ban soyjacks and soyjackers, we need a wall


>It should be a bannable offense to post more than three on the same day
I don't see that being enforceable, but wojak-posting should be seen as no exception to the existing low quality rules on non-/b/ boards.
Albanian flag (they rotate flags) is an unironic spammer. Report them on sight.

This was happening long before that.


File: 1623084968546.png ( 17.32 KB , 600x800 , SOYDIPslurp.png )

>Please ban soyjacks and soyjackers, we need a wall

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