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So what do we do about Nazis making their AMA/debate threads? Personally I am not interested in giving attention whores a spotlight, especially because these people always say the same thing and are rarely convinced anyways. I'd permit Nazis browsing the board, giving their opinion here and there, but I'm in favor of banning any Nazi who makes one these AMA/debate threads.


Delete the threads, its fucking boring, we've had like 6 in the last 2 days. 1 or 2 a week maximum.


Expose them, make them seethe


>What do we make of it
They’re attention whoring faggots trying to shit post
The jannies are right to anchor their shit threads and you should question their judgment if pol shit stays up for too long


Keep them anchored and let them sink.


Sure, but should we merely anchor them or straight up delete them?


How about 0 forever? Ban them, delete thread. If I wanted to talk to those retards, I know where to find them.


Just re-establish the /pol/ refugee-debate thread like old times.


That's a catastrophically bad idea, this gives them a permanent base from which to shit up the rest of the site and there are a 1000 more of them than us.


Delete tbh


Create righty-pol and exhile them there, and whenever we arbitrarily feel like, just ban and shadow ban people willy-nilly.


No, let’s not welcome fucking polyp retards
“Muh debate” is liberal faggotry
Polcels don’t give a fuck what you believe in, will never join you, and will only “debate” for the bants before they take the screencap to their buddies


Just move the threads to where they >>>/b/ elong


Who the fuck are you lmao?


Mod staff. Just asking some normal users their opinion.


>Turn /b/ into a pol hive
If someone openly admits they’re a nazi why acknowledge them at all?


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>mods interacting with normal users


> He thinks leftypol is in the spotlight.




Because I know how to use the overboard and browbeat then and reeducate them but they're shitting up the mainboard


Then why not just delete their threads? What do we gain our of debating polyps in our turf?
At least make a quota where only one can exist


We are currently having +170 unique IPs per hour. So yeah, we are.


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Because as we all know people who come with a "prove me wrong" mindset are actually capable of changing their minds.
Fucking retards, all of you.


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Yea what is this actual liberal debate faggotry?
Polcels are people who deserve to suffer immensely, why tf should we ever speak to them other than to insult them?
Just ban these faggots when you see them and delete their threads
Polcels are not at all subtle, they glow in the dark, you can see them while you’re driving, just run em over and keep moving on


I’d say they can browse the board and maybe post in a few threads here and there, but definitely ban them from making AMAs. /pol/yps are attracted to any place that doesn’t ban em like flies on shit.




Ban and delete


Encouraging nazi DEBATE MEs is useless, imo, they're not coming here to have their minds changed. They can read the boards, and then get ridiculed and have their posts deleted by the jannies when they inevitably spergout, revealing themselves as yet another generic /pol/yp. Maybe the smarter ones will learn something by osmosis if they can keep their autism under wraps for long enough.


Didn't we use to have a sort of catch all thread for it? I think that would be the best solution here


Debates are usually about convincing those that don't talk, so your point is not relevant, Herr Hitlerdubs.
I agree.


ban, delete, laugh

we're not on the same site as /pol/ anymore, no need to keep them around


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>> He thinks leftypol is in the spotlight.


If the guy actually replies and isn't completely retarded and baiting keep them, it's kinda fun to poke and make fun fo them.


Only reason I'd even have them kept up is to have us relentlessly bully the OP of "I'm a nazi AMA" threads


>Delete the threads
Lmao every time get fucked you fucking uyghur faggot




That worked on 8ch because /leftypol/ was bigger back then. Now its way smaller, and most people here don't have enough time to battle terminally online schizos that stay on the computer all day.

Unique IPs: 28

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