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File: 1620000775005.gif ( 73.14 KB , 570x537 , 93c.gif )


I wonder how many users have left thanks to the /pol/tard raids.


This reeks of falseflag


66 million. I heard it's another holodomor.




>I wonder how many users have left thanks to do11ars and the rest of the janny team in their unending quest for attention


Approximately 0. We get raided like this regularly.


Nah, this one is definitely more insufferable. The constant raids of the past years are tame in comparison.


Lucky you with the timezones.


t. /pol/


File: 1620003159771.jpeg ( 21.7 KB , 480x392 , cringe.jpeg )

Jesus christ, tone down the persecution complex a bit.


File: 1620306200281.mp4 ( Spoiler Image, 1.52 MB , 700x480 , raids.mp4 )

Well, that was a hoot.


RIP to bunker


we got raided?


I didn't notice
It just seemed like the storeshitters got slightly more vocal and arrogant for a moment


really puts
>Nah, this one is definitely more insufferable. The constant raids of the past years are tame in comparison.
into perspective, last raid I at least saw it


The userbase here is shit enough for that to happen


>The userbase here is shit
I agree with this part for suree.

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