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>Bunkerchan merges with .org
<Board quality instantly falls into the fucking shitter
Why did you people want this?
Didn’t you know Bunkerchan was genuinely just full of nazbols and other assorted faggots?
Bunkerchan was a fucking containment site and now all the rats are flooding in


I remember most that wanted the merge were people who weren't following it at all and wanted it over so they didn't have to see any more threads about it, so good job retards.


And attention-hungry mods, don't forget about them.


They will eventually migrate to /leftcel/ after getting tired of ban evading if they know how to


It honestly sucks, I had sided with Bunkerchan back when the split happened, but the board quality became so fucking radioactive that I had no choice but to come here
And now the locusts are swarming anyway


I have literally noticed no change what so ever. This is astro turf.


There was open discussion of leftypol on bunkerchan its not like leftypol was a sekrit club, but anyway op is just a d&c drone at this point.

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