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Why is using the email field invisible? Do you zoomers treat it like a downvote?


What do you mean?


You can only tell someone used the email field by hovering your cursor over their name. There's no underline, no different color, nothing.
At least it's better than moot the faggot completely removing it altogether and changing the E-mail field to Options to appeal to newbies.


I believe it differs based on what theme you are using. I use jungle and can see sage


Yeah I've got js disabled to all I use is the default theme.


>q: Why is using the email field invisible? Do you zoomers treat it like a downvote?
<a: I sage when I don't want to bump a thread.


I wonder if sage not being noticeable in the default CSS plays a part in people not using it more often.


bunkerlike is the ubermench of themes


It's visible as a glowing name on the default (Dark Red), it's just that it's the same color.


>There's no underline
Based, fuck web 2.0 for turning links into buttons and getting rid of underlined text.

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