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Suggestion -allow more shitpost-y and /b/ like threads in /leftypol/ (things like hate threads, humor threads and more). This will atleast double statistics overall and give us a massive boost in posts and IPs. Please.


I don't disagree, per se, but, I think high quality on leftypol specifically should be lauded. We do have /b/. Not that leftypol should be a no fun zone.


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just move them to /b/


If we move all fun and shitposty threads to /b/, /leftypol/ will be dead.


There were days where leftypol wasn't flooded with garbage OPs, or garbage posters like yourself


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Kill yourself anti fun shill


beg for it


Why would I beg for it? If jannies want this board to die and lose all their power? I'd just move to another lefty imageboard, if this one dies due to the jannies


Another thread where someone treats post statistics like the stock market.


those were the days when the old BO was running the site to the ground


No it was like 4 months ago

Unique IPs: 6

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