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File: 1619461040689.png ( 567.47 KB , 660x424 , ClipboardImage.png )


Hi. leftypol.org currently does not strip EXIF data which is an absoloutely huge oversight. Is there anyone on the staff currently able to fix this ASAP or at least post a link to your git with a sticky so others can fix this ASAP?
Thanks jannies.


Well, you can do it yourself with GIMP, you lazy cumbucket


Make an issue request on the github


Don't be a cunt, anon. A. GIMP really isn't the best way to do this. B. Many anons do not know how or do not even know what EXIF data is you dumb elitist fuck.
Right. Sure. Can you post a link? Also do you know any board software that does this because I have no idea the 'standard' way of doing this, for example with or without using exec or if we use imagemagic, which iirc it can be done fairly simply with.


I sometimes put secret messages in the EXIF but nobody seems to have found any of it so far.


The link to the github is on the sticky in /tech/


If i remember I usually try to pust stuff in the memes I make such as 'leftypol.org, /leftypol/, bunkerchan' and related meme keywords. I have a hunch it helps with Search Engine Optimization.
Maybe the ideal solution would be to remove any identifying data such as GPS data without actually scrubbing the whole thing. Thoughts on this?
Danke anon.


Perhaps have a checkbox to "Keep EXIF Data", with it default to "off".


Can you guys host a git.leftypol.org instead of using fucking microsoft-owned github? Thanks.




Strangely, there is a pull request dated Jan 18 for EXIF stripping that is still open.

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