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 No.5214[View All]

Hello everyone, we have indeed received an offer from d0llars about ending the split, in accordance with what he has laid out on Bunkerchan. Some of us mods are taking the offer seriously and think there is potential merit in it, however others are staunchly opposed to the idea of a reconciliation that would bring d0llars onto the team (along with a few Bunkermods). They have agreed to follow our constitution and to abstain from all voting for two months if they were to join, in return they would redirect Bunkerchan.net and Bunkerchan.xyz to leftypol.org.

We have been given more details about the event which d0llars believes will give Bunkerchan more exposure and we believe his account to be credible. We do not want to give too many details but essentially he has found a way to get a decent amount of exposure for the site, that will launch in a few days. If a deal is to be done it would seem best to get it agreed before this event occurs. However as I said, others reject the idea of any deal and there is no clear consensus on what to do as of yet.

Ultimately, this board belongs to all of you, so we would value your opinions on what we should do.

Original Post

Surprised no one's made a thread about this until now:

736 posts and 169 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It's probably a Scam, at this point it would be better if we contacted Jacobin to write the article on us. Jacobin is Socdemish but it would work better then this rubbish.



Do it on Monthly Review.


Yeah, surely the post rate differences between leftypol and bunkerchan shows who betrays who.


Nice selfies.


We should deff do this


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The site would get 404'd


>he isn't a power tripping and backstabbing nigger
how fucking retarded are you? hilarious. Crawl back to your shithole and stay there you moron


I personally have nothing against furryy's they're all very good people.
Jacobin would be the best option as compared to FA since they get like 3 million visitors a month and they are Socdems who can be radicalised.


Hating on furries is just an old meme which vestiges pop up every now and then. The out rage Bexgia has for furries is no longer relevant. That's why he has to resort to slander. This is the same under handed shit we saw durring the pyongyang happening that had the board going full on skitzo.


Oh no, where-ever would we be without childishly edgy posters making off topic and barely-on-topic rants about fandoms?

Boy, it sure is good that on Bunkerchan I'm free to randomly talk about wanting to execute everyone who plays Yu-Gi-Oh! competitively with a big axe because they're all worse than Hitler… In the Cybersocialism thread.


I had a chuckle reading the last two lines.
>Jacobin would be the best option as compared to FA since they get like 3 million visitors a month and they are Socdems who can be radicalized.
Exactly my point: If we get a chunk of those 3 million visits, the CIA would sound the alarms, and 404 Leftypol: We are too radicalized to influence that group. I am not saying it mustn't be done, tho. Would worth the try.


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zero evidence this is legit but if it is then: these terms are shit and shouldn't be accepted.
d0llars and Bexgia should never have any position on .org under any circumstances and the "anti-bunkerchan" banners shouldn't be removed. they are a part of our history and anyone worth listening to would be able to have a laugh about it when burying the hatchet. neither is worth the tiny gains that come from reunification.

furthermore, any merger agreement that was accepted without first letting the userbase discuss whether they accept the terms which have been negotiated would completely fly in the face of the idea of any notion of democratic accountability.


Yeah it sounds too retarded to be true.
I'm not going to trust any posts by Anons about any deal terms, only gonna trust official mod posts


I agree we shouldn't give mod status to dollars and crew. However I'm ready to end the split and the banners should be retired. Maybe we need a leftypol history page or something. One anon pointed out we lost a lot of anons from 8chan and even more so during the /lit/ days. Might be a good idea to Catalog the history of the site and community regardless. I doubt this will be the last split abd reunification.


You are a socdem your opinions don't matter


This sounds like a good idea


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mucho texto


first picture is 100% unfactual. Ask you mods, retards. And post results. If bexnigga is lying about that shit, I would really like to see it.


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Goons mad. Who is mad?




Fake and homoerotic, goon


Bruh, how long ago was SA? It's been dead for years. I doubt there's many users who still know what SA is. Let alone who browsed there. And didn't you have to pay for that shit? LMAO who would do such a thing.


What the fuck does SA have to do with Bunkerchan and us?


>first picture is 100% unfactual. Ask you mods, retards.
You aren't even reading the thread you are posting in. The mods of course copied threads and that is openly talked about and it was a sensible strategy. Later, Watermelong nuked the contents on Bunker and that's also something openly talked about on both sites (and the mods here gloat about it). Problem with that this content was not scraped before the nuke. The questionable thing about that post is that there is no admission or proof that mods were involved in DDOS shit. The mods have repeatedly claimed Space_ wanted to implement Google ads in order to convince the users of moving, but there is no statement by Space_ even hinting at that, so they aren't entirely trustworthy either.
These people sadly didn't kill themselves, but have networked together and are part of the media landscape. I have seen no evidence that the mods here have links with SA history, it's just similar shitty and cliquish behavior (but that's also streamer cliques and Reddit mods etc.).


ok so circumstantial shit.
You didn't even address the bullshit in the picture.


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>Spaceist Junta (Pyongyang–Bkeys Clique)
>leftypol moderation (also known as the janny vanguard, or the Jannguard)


SA hate is peculiar when they like you said have pretty much defined the social media landscape, and I'm including 4chan in this too.

>I joined in 2010 and then joined 8chan blah blah blah



You haven't read the thread and you haven't read the screencapped post, amazing. The bit about copying threads and the bit about Watermelon mass-nuking posts are true.


>>5994 was referring to >>5988


Where is the article?


yeah, i dont see any articles

guess d0llars was lying again




fully worded article by 2050!


>>5871 (posted Saturday)
>dollars says it’s soon, any time between right now and next week.


>peddling this retarded shit
I was there moron, how can you hope to make me swallow this pile of bullshit lies ?


ths is retarded. If the article is real DOllars will have literally no way to know if/when it is being published.
>everything outside of my perspective is just objective lies! jannies did nothing wrong! reeeee-.
You people are cancer. just fuck off would you?


>If the article is real DOllars will have literally no way to know if/when it is being published
But he told us: it's going to arrive in the coming days and it will transform our community, and potentially greatly boost traffic and name recognition.
Trust the plan WIGAWIGA


You appear to not even be in the thread you are posting in. We have already established that some of it is true since the mods themselves have said it (the scraping and post nuking) and some of it dubious (no evidence that the DDOS came from here and no proofs that there's overlap between the mods and goons).


Anyone explain whats going on. Shouldn't the article be released by now?




TFW editor removes the reference in the final draft


So the article is out or what? Link pls


It's never coming out.


there was never any article you dumb fuck.


>some of it is true !
and 90% is retarded bullshit. Fuck off moron


>and 90 % is
Stop talking and start reading. Count the total number of statements, count how many of them you know to be true, count how many of them you don't know the status of, count how many of them you know to be false.




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bumping to gloat

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