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File: 1619052712598.png ( 113.76 KB , 1066x388 , Screenshot 2021-04-21 8.51….png )


Surprised no one's made a thread about this until now: https://bunkerchan.net/leftypol/res/1335277.html




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>there will be an event in the coming days that will transform our community, and potentially greatly boost traffic and name recognition


Probably because nobody checks it lol
>importing Space_'s schizo cohort
Hard pass.




This had qanon vibes but lame because it's about board drama


I'm so confused, this looks like a post from months ago? Does anyone even use bunkerchan at all anymore?


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yeah, I also highly doubt this. given the disparity in user count between the boards its likely this is some hail mary attempt to worm his ass into the new mod crew.

Jannies would be utter retards to accept this offer.

50/50 chance if this fails, dollars just packs it up and shuts down bunkerchan


Yeah it's such an obvious bluff lmao, he obviously knows hem lost but is trying to save face.


What leverage do they even think they anymore? Hardly anyone even uses bunkerchan at this point.


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but anon, didn't you hear? there will be an event in the coming days that will transform our community, and potentially greatly boost traffic and name recognition


What's to stop jannies from voting the other jannie back out of power after the merge?


Is it… Could it be… Finally, the fabled Vaush Endorsement?


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giv mod pls


nothing. It would be a takeover of d0llars, space_, and a bunch of rando zoomer nazbol lackeys with nasal discord voices


>there will be an event in the coming days that will transform our community, and potentially greatly boost traffic and name recognition
This is some seriously lame larping. The best we can do is completely ignore it.


Demands for d0llars:
>You will eat the bugs
>You will live in a pod
>You will pay to have bunkerchan redirect here for one (1) year
>You will never be a leftypol janitor
>You will never do it for free
>All you will have in your pathetic life is the "achievement" of former bootleg bunkerchan "manager"


But anon, don't you understand? Bunkerchan HATES Vaush! Why you may ask? No it's not because he's a racist pedophile who repeats CIA talking points word for word, that's actually pretty based and redpilled. No it's because he doesn't support the Based Zoomer Nazbol Ethnostate and makes us uncool in front of /pol/! Pretty cringe and unpoggers, amirite fellow goyim?


Vaush will never endorse any version of leftypol despite stealing a bunch of chan memes he dislikes chans for some reason




Can he get a new fucking image to use? Jesus. How fucking tiny is his folder?


From this clip and as someone who has never watched Vaush's videos I can infer a few things:
>some people in the chat already knew about the meme, whether from the source or through other channels like Discord or Twitter
>some people got mad at him for making a phrenology joke
>he shares his memes and jokes through Discord which is probably also how he learned about le pol face


I went into that thread and saw maybe 3 Bunkfags max


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lol why would we want to merge with them again? What's the upside?


They only have like 10 posters so it's fine.


But that's 10 schizos we're missing out on!


>What's the upside?
Didn't you hear? There will be an event in the coming days that will transform our community, and potentially greatly boost traffic and name recognition.


Why do people even comment in streams this quickly?


I feel like potentially is doing a lot of lifting here.


15 milliseconds of fame.


Unique IPs: 12

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