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File: 1614372368723.jpg ( 720.69 KB , 1600x1066 , 1521252195696.jpg )


YO why the adms are not adding new banners? the banner thread is getting new banners for some time now without any being added

What is happening? did we reach the maximum number of banners? if we have already reached the maximum number of banners it's time to expand it


It's not happening with new flags either.
Where did the transparency go?


Sorry mates. Today my dudes. Today.


>red schwarzenegger upside down added
>mussolini upside down not added
I feel as if there are several users not getting the joke


File: 1620649942092.png ( 758.04 KB , 1117x450 , 1620649137759.png )

Add this as banner plox?


Jannies are busy LARPing about de-radicalization of /pol/yps


Banners have to be 300x100 pixels.


File: 1621094976334.png ( 436.26 KB , 1217x450 , expectation reality.png )

Another version

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