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 No.3422[Last 50 Posts]


I know this is going to anger people who already have taken a side, but I’m just saying what the majority of the people think about this shit.
Both sides need to realize they have made some errors and are BOTH contributing to the decay of the community by continuing the split. Until the splits end, NONE of the two websites will EVER recover the PPH and user number that bunkerchan.xyz had before the split.
You know why the number of users dropped? BECAUSE THEY DON’T HAVE THE TIME TO CARE ABOUT YOUR PETTY SHIT.
The sooner the split ends, the sooner we can grow back the user base and be back on track to build a big and influential leftist imageboard.

Mods and Admins of both websites need to reestablish contact with the other side and begin collaborating in concrete terms to make this realization possible. With honesty, good will and as well as reasonable amount of open-mindedness I believe we can reunify in less than one month.

I am therefore highlighting my proposal to heal both site and make them into one big site again:
<the mods teams of bunkerchan and leftypol will merge into one, both sides will wield equal power
<the tech-teams of both websites will merge into one and collaborate to make the website better
<total transparency of admin and mods activity, ask the users for feedback and use their choices to take a decision when tension arise between mods
<no more suicide-nuking of the boards, issues must be resolved with the community directly, no matter his position, if someone is hindering the progress of the site, remove him
<which final site we will go on depends on what the users prefers
<the url of the old website will redirect to the one the users chosen
<the threads created on the old website will be transferred to the one that the users chosen
<optionally, GETchan will be reintegrated directly into the website

What do you guys think? Do you have any idea on what kind of terms should the reunification happen?

>i’d rather stay divided because the other side is bad!!1!1!
(petty sectarianism)
>the other side is full of trannies!!!1!!1!11
>the other site is now filled with nazbols1!!1!111
>the other site only cares about shitposting!!11!!1
(rationalization of your emotional pettiness)
>our website is now better than the other side’s!!!111!1
(false sense of superiority to justify your emotional attachment to a specific website)
>the other side was bad in the past, therefore we can’t trust them now!!!11!1!11
(the nefarious factor, space_, was eliminated, there is no reasons to expect further conflicts of interest)
>their website’s technology is shit!!!!1111!11!1!
(you don’t have any proof that it’s actually shit, if it works it works and it’s currently the case for both websites, that’s still a rationalization of your emotional pettiness)


y tho


2 > 1


what is this pozzed ad-ridden shit? just use strawpoll.me


>the nefarious factor, space_, was eliminated, there is no reasons to expect further conflicts of interest
d011ars has demonstrated himself to be a liar. he once pledged he would do anything to end the split, then he took concrete action to perpetuate it while rejecting all overtures at a merger.

if flunkerchan wanted a merger agreement they could've had a merger of equals a month ago. with the situation as it is presently, they should be lucky if we accept their unconditional surrender.



STEP 1: bunkerchan.net & bunkerchan.xyz redirect to leftypol.org (the superior site with a larger userbase)
STEP 2: reunification achieved


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>anonymous internet poll
Let me just rev up my proxies/Tor/unplug my router repeatedly!


>Both sides need to realize they have made some errors
Watermelon was removed from the mod team here now, right? What reason do holdouts have left for not coming over here?


>y tho
Because else the user base will remain divided, people who are exterior to the pre-split community will be less likely to join because they will be seeing us as "hyper-sectarian" as well as many other reasons. If we reunify, the website won't be just two time better than it is currently, it will be exponentially better.

>d011ars has demonstrated himself to be a liar.
You have no proof, and are demonstrating what I said in the OP about ad hoc post rationalization.

The website I used has a protection against proxies and VPNs


Threads like these are worse for growing. No one cares about this old news. There's barely anyone left on bunkerchan, we just have to move on.


It looks to me that .org has established itself as the more poplular site, no? Bunkerchan is pretty much dead and while the pph on here are still low, I think with time more people will flock here.
Not that I would care about Reunification, but I don't think it will happen


>the nefarious factor, space_, was eliminated
After he handed the control of the site to a random opportunist in a pity and spontaneous gesture while the entire mod team had to beg for months to implement any little change.

Here is how you achieve reunification: redirect all domains to leftypol.org


Bunkerchan is a dead site that at best hogs a domain. Who cares about this old news?


>Watermelon was removed from the mod team here now, right?
Of course not, he did nothing wrong.


>You have no proof
He stated he would do anything to keep the community together.
He then took no measures to bring it back together. Every user-created thread discussing the split on Bunkerchan was locked with the justification that "there's an easy way to send the split: stop posting on .ogre".

It is not "post-hoc rationalization" to take people's post-split actions into account when considering the best method to end the split, particularly with .org as the stronger site - the one in the position to be dictating terms.
All I can say is that if the moderation team here thought that 18 PPH were worth letting that treacherous egotistical cur take a position of power on this website then I would personally bugger off and find another board to post on. Of course, I do not think our moderation team are that foolish.


The domain name and the risk of letting the current admin have any influence in the running of the new/current site are not worth the measly PPH bunkerchan still has, sorry.


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Any reunification has to mean annexation by the org and voluntary surrender by the flunkerchanners. There is no way I'm going to go back on a site that asks me if I'm okay with having my mobile phone tracked when I enter (see pic related), and which has almost unchecked /pol/ spam and generally constant bait and shitposting moderated by absentee tyrants.


Just admit you have an emotional problem with d0llar and move on. You are not going to convince me a reunification isn't worth it just because you hate him.
Plus it's not always 18 PPH, sometimes it's higher than this website, I wouldn't be so sure we are stronger than them. Imo we should reunify as soon as possible before their PPH start increasing again.




>Plus it's not always 18 PPH, sometimes it's higher than this website,

Yes. When it's getting spammed to shit because the admin lied about his tech credentials to get control of the site.


Just don't use chr*me kek
I never got such a notification on my phone and I'm on firefox


the only terms of reunification I will accept is the total dismantling of bunkerchan and its moderation. d0llars will for sure go, the rest can submit themselves to the .org mod team to see if they can retain their positions.


>tankie flag
>retard take
checks out


It is not an "emotional problem" to not want to hand the reigns of power over to a kulak who established a personal autocracy at the first opportunity. This is a fundamental, practical question of administration. By all means I support unification - the question is, at what price? I say the price is simple: d011ars must go.

>sometimes it's higher than this website

I concede I was unfair - sometimes they achieve remarkable feats, something like 2000 PPH I believe…


Watermelon offered to step down in exchange for ending the split and d0llars rejected the offer. Its on his head


>I wouldn't be so sure we are stronger than them

No offense, but you seem to be more on Bunkerchan than you are here


>total dismantling
>d0llars will for sure go
>the rest can submit themselves
Wow, cool it down with the autistic fantasy power-tripping

>hand the reigns of power over to a kulak who established a personal autocracy at the first opportunity
You are obviously exaggerating

>I say the price is simple: d011ars must go

I don't disagree with that, but it's going to be hard to reunify with these terms.



Why don't you take a break from both sites and focus on other things?


the autistic power tripping was d0llars, this is just dismantling his regime. its like saying the measures of the stasi were autistic power tripping in dismantling the political support basis of the nazis post-WW2 - authoritarian no doubt, but necessary by virtue of the nature of the threat.


Bruh. The Stasi was real, like not online.


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>the autistic power tripping was d0llars, this is just dismantling his regime. its like saying the measures of the stasi were autistic power tripping in dismantling the political support basis of the nazis post-WW2 - authoritarian no doubt, but necessary by virtue of the nature of the threat.


>you seem to be more on Bunkerchan than you are here
I think you are confusing me for someone else, I haven't posted on bunkerchan since at least two weeks, while I've been coming here everydays


yeah but I'm also not proposing we literally be the stasi for bunkerchan - just get rid of the ringleader and vet the rest for loyalties.


oh hey this is still up.
(sadly the first "Split's not just a city in Croatia" thread has 404'd, so you can't see a mod repeat that inane assertion.)


(also, OP, get keen for your Bunkerchan thread to be deleted or moved to /gulag/ because "meta threads go on the meta board :^)" )


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>meta shit

please move this to >>>/meta/


Obviously, sectarian mods from both side will need to be purged. But just because some retard is a mod here doesn't means the rest of the team are retards as well

Last time I checked it was still up


.org already has pph in the 20s/30s which is at or at least ALMOST at what it was on bunker pre split. The splits already over, d0llars just refuses to accept it


we're at 80 PPH right now lol


so long as bunkerchan doesn't move or delete their equivalent thread I think we will allow it to stay up


The split is over, everyone is here already (including you).


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>1 vote for make a new website

who the fuck voted for this??? lel




the designated trotskyite of course


DA third state solution


That's just thanks to my thread and the circlejerk/trolling in the infrared thread, our unique IP number is still lower than their

Then explain why our activity level is still lower than pre-split bunkerchan. People won't come back until the split is over and acknowledged by both side.


can we do the fifth international here before we split again please


Bunkerchan is a corpse that would drag us down.


caballo is gay


>People won't come back until the split is over and acknowledged by both side
Then let them stay gone.
This site is already at sustainable levels of posting. Instead of begging current Bunkerchan users to come back, or banking on people returning after months of inactivity, why not make virtue of a necessity and try to attract new posters wholesale? Even if the split were to subsequently be resolved, such a strategy would continue to pay dividends for the community.

(Also it's worth noting that Bunkerchan's IP counter and ours almost certainly do not measure IPs across the same time period. Also, ours records all TOR users as a single user. )


our IP counter is hourly, bunkerchan's is daily (or thereabouts)


>That's just thanks to my thread and the circlejerk/trolling in the infrared thread, our unique IP number is still lower than their
I'd like to see actual stats but to me it feels like most of .org's pph is driven by the infratred and IG generals meanwhile the rest of the board is kinda dead.

PPH is a false indicator ala GDP.


Nothing of value is lost.
Go take a look at bunkerchan's post quality: they're a bunch of retards.
No one wants them here.


Bunkerchan has fascist posts, wojak posts and schizo posts to keep the numbers up. Maybe the mods don't do anything over there because they like those numbers.


>Then explain why our activity level is still lower than pre-split bunkerchan. People won't come back until the split is over and acknowledged by both side.
Because the election is fucking over. The libs have gone, you fucking retard. The same shit happened on 8.


thats fair but id also throw doubt on bunkerchans official unique ip count i have a feeling a lot of that is /pol/ tourists and spammers


>our unique IP number is still lower than their
Doubt it, they're just calculated differently.




We have 32 unique hourly IPs. 24 hours in a day.

32 * 24 = 768 ips at MOST.

Its probably alot lower than that like 350 ips because some are consistent hour to hour and also at early morning hours it goes down to like 15 uniques


Just visited bunkerchan.
I want my braincells back.


>why not make virtue of a necessity and try to attract new posters wholesale?
I agree with this, but how do we attract new users? And more importantly, how do we attract users that post quality content and make effortposts?
We used to have them, for some reason most them disapeared.


Does anybody actually care about the Jannie drama because I don't don't


I don't care too, I just want the two websites to be reunited again


>for some reason
turns out effortposters tend to dislike getting their posts nuked because there was some cringy e-drama running in the background

they'll come back eventually



>Then explain why our activity level is still lower than pre-split bunkerchan.

Because people not involved in janny drama don't know the new domain name. They just see an inactive website whose domain name is being squatted and they just leave.



This is the single biggest reason that is harming the community btw.




Yeah I don't really either, it's the free market of ideas bro you just choose the website you like. Bunkerchan for the wojaks and the brain cancer, org for the discussions and the revolution.

Maybe org could post the link to bunkerchan at the top in gesture of good faith and bunkerchan could do the same. Maybe it would improve relations.


It's good to have two sites, one for serious discussion and the other to bait schizos and /pol/ posting. I think something similar existed back in the 8chan days.

You just need to convince the remaining effortposters to defect here (better URL and this site looks better IMO)


Hello d011ars
How will you cope with the destruction of Bunkerchan today?


Btw, am I the only one who is completely turned off by jannies and mods prancing around with usernames identifying themselves that literally serve zero purpose on an imageboard? You just invite others to create rumors, drama and backstories, and give them an attack vector. I have never seen this on any other imageboard before.


Hello d011ars
How will you cope with the destruction of Bunkerchan today?


If I were d0llar we would already be reunified


Example? I haven't seen that much.



The second pinned thread literally has a pdf with a list of usernames of the mods.


Lol it's a constitution thread. I figured you meant in random threads.


It seems like d0llars makes more of a presence of himself on his own site than Cabello ever did. I guess the furfag mod learned or some shit.


大海航行靠舵手,free /leftypol/ 万物生长靠太阳。 The Internal Bunkerchan Conflicts of 2020 雨露滋润禾苗壮, The Bunkerchan Purge of 2020 干革命靠的是毛泽东思想。 The Anti-Space_ Struggle 鱼儿离不开水呀, Pyongyang-Bkeys Clique 瓜儿离不开秧。 /troon/ 革命群众离不开共产党。 Anon Rights 毛泽东思想是不落的太阳。 Modocracy 没有共产党就没有新中国 New Features 共产党辛劳为民族 Improved Software 共产党他一心救中国 National Bolshevism 他指给了人民解放的道路 Google Ads 他领导中国走向光明 leftypol.org 他坚持了抗战八年多 /GET/ 他改善了人民生活 Comatoast 他建设了敌后根据地 Bunkerchan Manifesto 他实行了民主好处多 The GETChan Cirnoist Autonomous Boards 没有共产党就没有新中国 GETChan Order of Solidarity 東方紅,太陽升。 Comrade King 毛主席,爱人民,他是我们的带路人,为了建设新中国,呼尔嗨哟,领导我们向前进! 共产党,像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮。哪里有了共产党,呼尔嗨哟,哪里人民得解放! 社会主义好,社会主义好! 社会主义国家人民地位高。反动派被打倒,帝国主义夹着尾巴逃跑了。 全国人民大团结,掀起了社会主义建设高潮,建设高潮。 Spaceist Junta 跟着毛主席跟着党,闪闪的红星传万代。


Me too. The fact that we even know the specific quirks and bias of some of them by name it's pretty damming. What a bunch of attention whores.

Almost makes for a good case against .org but then you're faced with the material reality that the bunker has nogaemz no posters.


>The fact that we even know the specific quirks and bias of some of them by name it's pretty damming
In practical terms it's more helpful than not. The great thing about knowing the bias of a given mod is that it aids your ability to appeal to the other mods. Where all mods are anonymous they can close ranks and just say "the moderation team reviewed this and thought it was fine" - where mods specifically do this under their own individual identities, it becomes possible to say "objectively, the record shows this mod is the only person to ban for such things."

It's not a particularly beautiful system, but it works. The best imageboard structure that can be managed is one where such discussion and feedback is possible.


called it!



bunkerchan fags on suicide watch




>>d011ars has demonstrated himself to be a liar.
<You have no proof
Shoot yourself in the fucking face.


>It's not a particularly beautiful system, but it works. The best imageboard structure that can be managed is one where such discussion and feedback is possible.

I don't know man, fuck, there just is no simple solution to the Bad Admin problem.


Hey listen it was necessary, this thread was in the way, now people can concentrate on the wojak rage thread, or the one calling for people to gamble with the stock market, or the one about idpol and of course the one about getting rich with communism.


yeah that is the active development of the constitution - anyone is free to make their own edits, even anonymously. the mods just do it with their names so it keeps things transparent on their end.


What about all the jannies that aren't namefags? thats probably like 2/3rds of them


idk bro furrypol.ogre seems to be just fine I would still like to see watermelon kicked out of the janny team but the split is p much already over and I doubt bunkerchan will ever recover


let it be known the flunkerchan mods have moved this thread to /gulag/

and as such we will do the same - they show no interest in mending the split.




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>the mods teams of bunkerchan and leftypol will merge into one, both sides will wield equal power
so 2 people will hold the same power as 20+ people. 100% retarded.
>the tech-teams of both websites will merge into one and collaborate to make the website better
flunker has no tech team, except space_ which will 100% not agree to this.
>no more suicide-nuking of the boards
the nuking was based.
>the threads created on the old website will be transferred to the one that the users chosen
only the tech team on this site has that technology.

>the nefarious factor, space_, was eliminated

bullshit. He's been actively helping out. Check out the github.
>(rationalization of your emotional pettiness)
Not wanting nazis on a leftist site is a legitimate concern.

It wasn't a split. It was a migration and some retards held out, which killed a lot of momentum of the site.

Dollars and space have contributed so much pain and agony to the community.
Dollars wasn't an active mod pre-coup.
Space wasn't ever around.

The little time they were actually on, they managed to cause that much harm to this community.
Imagine wanting to integrate these opportunists and sycophants back on the administration of the community. Fucking retarded.


"the ogre "team" and users can come here and use the site as they please, as users"
-bunkerchan mod


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Well? According to your shitty internet poll most people agree that .org must stay, and bunkerchan has to go. But I'm willing to bet that these results don't accurately reflect the voters's opinion because you didn't include an option that said "I don't give a shit if Bunkerchan dies or not, I just don't want those faggots infesting our site again"


>our unique IP number is still lower than their
It's no secret that a lot of /pol/oids stayed on Bunkerchan after the raid in September/October, and ever since the split the site has suffered several other raids. PPH gets lower every day.




Whatever happens, I just wanna keep the mobile app


>our unique IP number is still lower than their
Ours is hourly, theirs is daily.


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>we should side with mensheviks!!1!1!


Your thread on bunkerchan was locked. How can there be "reunification" if the people controlling that side are not open to it?


There’s no point in “reunifying”, Bunkerchan has devolved into a rightoid shithole exactly as d0llars had hoped for



Unique IPs: 32

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