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What happened with the Bunkerchan split? I tried asking there but clearly that site is totally dead/co-opted.


Jannie's got butthurt cause they weren't getting enough respect for doing it for free and ruined the board. Bunkerchan's admins were too incompetent to fix it.



TLDR: from this thread
In short, /leftypol/ has split due to drama which essentially boils down to a dispute over server access on Bunkerchan. We, the /leftypol/ moderation team, have been forced to leave by Space, who removed our moderator rights due to our decision to stand together in solidarity rather than allow Space to demand the removal of certain mods who he viewed as primarily responsible for behind the scenes efforts to try to force him to give us the power to keep the site running and to improve it beyond its current state. Therefore, we have decided to activate our own clone of /leftypol/ which we have been preparing in case of this eventuality. We do not welcome this split or take it lightly but from our perspective it has been forced upon us. We are now working to make this site feature complete and to progress ever further.


Thanks! :)


The "official" narrative given by the staff of this site is
>old site had tons of technical issues
>old BO kept promising staff he'd give them access but never did
>staff opted to quietly migrate to a new site
>old BO found out, got pissed and kicked all the "coupers" out, leading to a split
>during the early days of the split someone on the old site's staff nuked all the threads there forcing a restore to a weeks-old backup
>this someone was then invited into this site's staff, making some users unwilling to migrate even though the new site had the most recent versions of the posts, further complicating things
>old site staff is now full of nazbols and probably full-on /pol/tards


>this someone was then invited into this site's staff
Small correction, he was here all along. Dollars was okay, for some reason, with some mods staying behind.


it is worth carving into the official history that d011ars said he'd do anything to keep the community together, but then actively spurned any effort to reconcile the two boards following space_'s departure while censoring any discussion of the matter on Bunkerchan. he should be held up as an example of sheer personal opportunism of the very worst sort.



Bunkerchan was well known for its persistent technical problems for years which lead the site to frequent crashes and outages especially during periods of high volume of posts. These problems couldn't be fixed that quickly, sometimes for DAYS, because the site owner refused to allow the staff to have server access, and also didn't fix the problems quickly on his own either. Also he rubbed people the wrong way by generally being a petty smug asshole. The moderators started to make their own website as a plan of last resort. Once he found out about this he got mad and decided to kick out all the mods that participated in this endeavor. The moderators refused to allow this so the site owner pulled a 'Reagan breaking the traffic controllers union' move and fired them all. They ended up finishing this site, staying here and eventually everyone migrated over.

Also at some point a rogue mod who had mod status on both sites ended up deleting a bunch of posts over there. There was only one mod who remained loyal to the old site owner and after the split, the site owner got depressed because everyone left so he gave ownership of the site to that last mod guy who is the new owner of bunkerchan.net

Now most people have migrated here and the old site is filled with right wing crossposters, spammers, etc.

Maybe its just my biased opinion but the main reason for the fall of bunkerchan was Space_'s egotism and arrogance, not by simply refusing his staff's demands, but also being very cryptic and condescending about the whole thing too, actively mocking and antagonizing them by telling them "its my way or the highway, if you don't like it, leave". Then once they did and he discovered that running the site is actually work, he fucked off and handed it over to someone else.


d0llar’s is a polyp, I’m quite certain of it by now, he has destroyed Bunkerchan and I hope he dies for it

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