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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftychan.net)

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File: 1739205949627.png ( 32.03 KB , 744x323 , ClipboardImage.png )


This site is ass


File: 1739206122771.png ( 16.42 KB , 753x204 , ClipboardImage.png )

And when I resubmit it detects the image as spam, then when I resubmit it detects the text as spam
can't post shit, and yet reactionary subhuman primitivist uyghurs are allowed
no wonder nobody comes over to your shitty splitter site


File: 1739209505839.gif ( 630.65 KB , 498x498 , skull.gif )

bro got filtered by basic bitch ass r9k rules 💀


Cool story bro


Hi everybody it's me OP,
sorry I just am confused by my sexuality as I am in the throes of discovering that I want Liz Trueanon to shrink my dick into a little dicklet and then say buh bye to my dick
the realization made me irritable but Im ok now

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