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why do leftychannet copy paste thread from org ?. that ruined the site. or at least for me. when do you volk do that ? ever since the beggining of the site creation ? or no ? when ?.


If you look at the dates they predate the split and where carried over in the restored site


when do the spilt happend exactly ?


2 years ago if I'm not mistaken somethingnlike that


Year 101, Juche Calendar


Technically .org copied the content on this server. This website used to be .org, you are on the cannonical leftypol.


Orgfags are pretenders at everythinf


The fact we retain the original onion node is direct proof that we own the original servers.


how did they hijack the clearnet URL?


Krates had control over it the entire time, he immediately gave it to Antinous during the split


>Unfortunate numbers

He didn't even bother to hear us out. He just took it assuming of course the impeccable jannies of org could do no wrong. Keep in mind this was also after months of inactivity after leave due to mods fighting in the first place mainly over jannies on org getting away with whatever the fuck they want


i thought leftychan.net is bunkerchan renamed.

so you all are saying leftychan.net is the original leftypol ?




No we aren't saying; It literally is factually the original leftypol.


It went bunkerchan -> leftypol.org -> leftychan.net


Where does GETchan stand in all this?

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