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i use both this site and ogre. i think it's pretty neat and good that the split happen. there are two bunkerchan now. i could archive red thing moar now. i just have to worry less about page being filled and the good thread being erased because their at the bottom of page.

I think the whole ideological split thing is good too in a way. ogre will be the place where things will be shielded against the mainstream and liberal things. and people who are too weak to fight the mainstream and liberal things. net are the place for the IB/CB people who like the IB/CB culture and old culture more. and for the strong people who can fight position and tendency they don't like. and just a less tighter place in general. a more free space.

we need a third board for the "everything else and anarchy". also a fourth board for ultra-left and left-com and theorylets. and a fifth board for general theorylets. a sixth board for AESbros & zigger & murikkkabad & such. a seventh board for anarchist. a eight board for wojaks and OC. a ninth board for /prc/ user. a tenth board for MLM. a eleventh board for Trotskyist.


>I think the whole ideological split thing is good too in a way. ogre will be the place where things will be shielded against the mainstream and liberal things. and people who are too weak to fight the mainstream and liberal things. net are the place for the IB/CB people who like the IB/CB culture and old culture more. and for the strong people who can fight position and tendency they don't like. and just a less tighter place in general. a more free space.
you could've just said that ogre is reddit mimicking as a chan, while net is an actual imageboard


the anarchy board is /dead/


Imagine needed to be shielded from anything by a Jannie. Op is a fag


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This confuses me more tan anything because he seems to be using anarchy in the colloquial sense of general chaos and disorder, but, also understands many nuances between other strands of socialism.


most people are fag


seems dead to me. need a entire IB for anarchist that are also advertised. if that happen then there will finally be a active anarchist IB/CB


I don't think splitting into oblivion is a good idea.


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i think making more chanboard, each for its own speciality, is a good idea.


this board is slow compared to places like halfchan so not really worth it.


note: as long as it can fight lib-msm influence or whatever you want to call it. it is good. and is certainly better then the current situation.


that is cuz u guys suck ass at advertising your board and dressing them up properly so the audience we/you/they want will actually look


>Leftists suck at marketing and turn there nose up at the thought of being effective
>Trotsky deserved it
>Trump was the best president in our lifetime
>Leftypol jannies will never be real women (and likely never real men either)

All true but harsh


ITT: Newfags.

Advertising just brings cancer. It's quality or quantity take your pick.
Nevarforget what happened to 4chab after chanolology.


Now this poster is a different kind of fag. They're a not-oldfag-enough-to-realize-what-happens-to-alternative-image-boards-if-they-never-get-new-traffic-to-replace-user-loss-fag. Otherwise known as "stillanewfag".


Noting. nothing happens to them.
You all think they die or something but the keep going and people keep posting.


Nobody posts when they feel like there's no one listening. Sorry but that's the cold hard truth and no amount of desperate wishful thinking can change. The fate of any community that doesn't do something to replace user turnover is eventual death.

t. actual oldfag


leave fag




If this were true image boards would not be as saturated if a market as they are. Again quality or quantity a choice you have to make.
Wether you like it or not.
Do you want org 2.0 or do you want something better?
I'm not saying we shouldn't grow but I am saying that we should not compromise ourselves in pursuit of mindless expansion. Look at how org turned out appealing to Reddit fags.


Ya, it's a double edged sword. You want people, but the right people 'Better fewer but better.'

Over the long term, without relying on gimmicks to try to get orgfags over, the best way to attract a base of people is just to post more.

I'd divide posts into two categories.

A) Effortposting longer pieces
B) lower effort shit posting/banz

It's the appropriate type of content for the format of an imagneboard

It really is content that is it key. If you had a blog or leftoid newsletter and you wanted to build up the readership/traffic, the same would apply, posting regular content in the form of longer form written content, just with a bit lower velocity.

>It's really that simple, lol


Oh, and keep in mind, that's a bit of a longer term strategy. With individual posts, you shouldn't get discouraged if they don't hit and generate discussion. The 80-20 principal applies.

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