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 No.110[View All]

We are today asking you about the idea of growing our webring (which should already include GETchan and possibly bunkerchan) with other candidates. The potential ideas right now are 7chan (which Comatoast moderates on) and 420chan. Both of these have relatively left wing communities but we are not sure yet.

In addition, we are collecting feedback on the idea of setting up onion access for Tor which comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Furthermore, we think that the majority of users support the idea of getting rid of the sidebar and replacing it with a generic homepage/splash landing page, but please let us know your feedback on that too. Prior proposals about dark red theme and comrade naming are attached also.
114 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I also wouldn't like to get rid of any board. I used /hobby/, /games/, and /anime/.

Although /anime/ also included things that are not technically anime/manga (Touhou, visual novels, game fanart), or even Japanese (Chinese anime thread, Asian animation thread), which I liked, sort of like /jp/ but for Chinese (and other Asian) 2D media too..
Maybe /aca/ (Asian cartoons)? Or even /ani/, a general animation board? /2D/ - animation and comics?

I don't mind the name /ent/, /hobby/ is a simple and boring name anyway. I also think it's a good idea to merge /games/ and /ent/ where all the TV/movie and book stuff is, but I really disagree on merging /anime/ as well. In any case, how about /media/?

I couldn't stand /b/, and didn't like how it was named /b/ (makes it easier to find and raid), although it was kind of nice for the couple of days before the first wave of /pol/ invaders, so if it could be renamed to /sib/, hidden and purged from the /pol/ infestation that would be pretty good. Otherwise maybe delete /b/ and redirect to GETchan (both for a random board or an international board in case the user is looking for one)

Also, maybe consider changing /edu/'s name, perhaps to something like /book/ so that people who are looking for PDFs automatically think about asking there. Or either /learn/ or /know/ to emphasize the other learning subjects like fitness, guns and languages (I'm guessing certain hobbies that don't involve the consumption of media, and instead require building a skill, like fencing or drawing would go here too, right?). It's just that /edu/ never seemed like a particularly attractive name to me, despite thinking it's neat.

>However, I guess if we just put the threads on ice and brought them back later when activity improves it wouldn't be so bad.

That sounds good too. In that case I absolutely wouldn't mind the merging of all entertainment boards, as long as it meant that the smaller ones would be locked and preserved until there's enough traffic and demand for them again.

I like this idea.

It didn't seem to work on Bunkerchan, to be honest. I quit /b/ permanently a while after its creation and /leftypol/ was/is still full of them. Besides, if they're unaware of this site we don't even need a containment board until Bunkerchan dies or this site becomes more popular.


Also I know it's probably a bad idea right now, but how about a music board in the future? /mu/ or /mus/, based on the reasoning here:

>I'm going to propose something which I and a couple of others said a month ago on bunker, and it's probably a divisive opinion: make the designated shitting board (like /b/) the one named /leftypol/, and have the main semi-serious discussion board have a different name.
If it makes you feel better anon, I read this proposal back then too and kind of agreed with it, but it's too risky.


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>Although /anime/ also included things that are not technically anime/manga (Touhou, visual novels, game fanart), or even Japanese (Chinese anime thread, Asian animation thread), which I liked, sort of like /jp/ but for Chinese (and other Asian) 2D media too..
>Maybe /aca/ (Asian cartoons)? Or even /ani/, a general animation board? /2D/ - animation and comics?


I have been swayed by your post to change my vote to no


But it should be better themed than the generic anime. I like the /2D/ idea


Based proposal, hoping it gets approved


not speaking for GET but sending the types that infested /b/ over there is a hostile act and nothing less


As someone from /GET/ you can keep your /b/ posters, most would get instantly banned from being reactionary


Nobody liked this logic back on bunkerchan, it's rather disappointing you're trying to resurrect this stupid idea here.


I seem to remember 99chan trying out this whole /gameswithpassivemedia/ grab bag board idea. It was the deadest board on the entire website.


/hobby/ was the most successful (in both users and pph) /leftypol/ affiliated alt-board, you might not have personally like it but saying nobody did is an exaggeration and shows bias on your part.


Did /hobby/ include /games/ and /anime/ on bunkerchan? Oh, no it didn't.


Yes until those two boards were created retard.


And there was hardly a single post about games or anime on /hobby/ before that happened. Really makes you think.


There were 20+ video game related threads transferred to /games/ from /hobby/. Why are you lying?


>ultra newfags never saw /roulette/
Please don't talk about board history again. This isn't even important to the decision we are making now.


Any news?


>Also, maybe consider changing /edu/'s name, perhaps to something like /book/ so that people who are looking for PDFs automatically think about asking there. Or either /learn/ or /know/ to emphasize the other learning subjects like fitness, guns and languages
I really like those ideas, never liked the name /edu/ in the first place, not evocative enough.


There shouldn't be until tomorrow. >>239


Strange thing to bring up considering /rouette/ was never a grab bag board. But since you brought it up, I was quite literally the most prolific poster on /roulette/ when games were the subject of the month. I wanted /games/ more than anyone. Totally uninterested, however, in discussing games on a grab bag board where they have to compete with other shit.


There has been like two posts on /games/ in the whole time since we moved, and I made one. I don't like the idea either but they are unsustainable right now.


So will the boards be deleted or will they be locked and hidden? I would like the latter answer to be, in case /hobby/ becomes tight in the future.


The latter see >>231


Ah yes, great fucking idea, take the board content where a lot of actual discussion and moderation exist(ed) allowing for complex discussion and takes and shove it into the HIDDEN BOARD FOR LITERAL SHITPOSTING.

God I fucking hate you "muh board consolidation" fags. Stop trying to be closet jannies for something this stupid when a seperate board like /anime/ and /hobby/ does NOTHING to negatively impact /leftypol/ and allows for irrelevant media content to be discussed on other boards without clogging up /leftypol/. /b/ is literally just shitposting, emphasis on SHIT.


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>20+ video game related threads
And ALL of them were at the bottom of catalog you fucktard. I personally requested mods move them because they were dying. There are 3x the number of threads on /games/ as there were on /hobby/ and they were much more active before the split. /games/ and /anime/ were literally a minority of /hobby/ content and were dead AF there. Stop making "all for one" boards you faggots, /hobby/ is already stuffed as it is, combining many, MANY boards already.
See >>>/meta/15


as a side note, can the mods return the highly convenient image-saving system, where clicking on the file-name let you save it without copy-pasting the damn thing?


There is no fucking consensus, because the poll is set up in a abysmal way. that doesn't provide a "no boards should be deleted" option or an actual presentation to the mods as to why X and Y should stay or go. This is the inherent flaw of the voting system, especially when it's an unofficial strawpoll that most users don't even see, especially /anime/ users

What is it with people's obsession to merge everything?!


>See >>>/meta/15
Specifically rule 7 which points out why /anime/, /leftypol/ /games/ /hobby/ and /edu/ should remain separate, and not a hot melting pot that never works. they're separate boards, not separate sites.


oh it's pet-hating anon again


Why put them on ice? What would be the point when if they're slow, they're slow and pick up naturally?

/hobby/ and /anime/ had finally gotten a steady number of posters 20-30 each and /games/ picked up because of Cyberpunk 2077 coming out and having a massive set of discussion there. Just let it be and handle the fucking tech side of this site. We still can't refresh pages, we still can't download images properly, orange text doesn't work, spoilers are erratic, and a ton of threads outdated because the split was completely sudden and all the boards on Bunkerchan have had continued posts for a week.


(cont.) so is it really necessary to beat this dead horse again? Why are we merging and removing boards that are used and are popular? Just because /leftypol/ is bigger? That's a shitty argument, which means that 4chan should just delete 90% of its boards because /pol/ /a/ and /b/ are the biggest. Absolutely meaningless




It doesn't look like the vote will pass at this time.


Its too bad we aren't a right wing board, we could call it /consoom/


and by that I am guessing you mean /hobby/ will stay and /games/ and /anime/ won't (cause that's how it looks like at the moment).


>hurr if you exist in a society and take part in culture or analyze it you're "consoomer"
You fags really don't know what the consumerism mm means do you?


the only vote on the floor is for merging /games/ and /anime/ into /hobby/
6 yay 3 nay


Great news if passed! I think reducing board dispersion could be critical to revive each of the remaining boards.


I agree, at least in the short term.


I disagree. Past experience with /hobby/ demonstrates that excessive inclusion leads to /anime/ and /games/ threads pushed to the bottom because of lack of activity. Those boards were made for a reason.


I'm still going for my original take, merge /games/ and /anime/ and call it /dork/.

/tech/ should just be merged with /edu/ since the only good part of /tech/ is just someone helping you with computer issues.

Also an the news threads be just have a board just for news? I know it sounds stupid but if we can get the rss feed system going, it would be a very useful source of news.


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There is a new proposal to extend the deadline of this vote another 3 days. In my personal opinion, despite the numbers, it is 50/50 on whether this vote will pass. It's more likely a more nuanced vote will be required to satisfy enough people.


For the news part i'd find a way to put news anon threads in the [news] section of leftypol homepage


Just make news anon part of the team. He deserves it after all these years


>/games/ and /anime/
2 wholly different topics that barely crossover on the topic of VNs shouldn't be merged. FFS, what is with people's obsession with merging? Half of you fags don't even use those boards, so why are you deciding arbitrarily for others?


It's only been barely over a week from this site's setting up. Why such a hurry to remove those couple of boards?

Sometimes you have to make something available first before others start making use of it, as with public transportation and women in computer science. Why not the same for >>>/anime/ and similar?

It would also be better to have this on the site discussion board, or linked on the relevant boards where it can be accessible, because not everyone received the message about the possibly pending deletion until later.


>The potential ideas right now are 7chan (which Comatoast moderates on) and 420chan. Both of these have relatively left wing communities
I didn't know 7chan has a left wing community.




When I click on the link in this post (>>274) it tries to redirect me to https://leftypol.org/meta/res/172.html#274
instead of the correct https://leftypol.org/meta/res/110.html#274
I assume this is because both posts belonged to the same thread which was merged to this one.


no wonder there's so many lolifags

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