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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftychan.net)

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Mods still haven't banned the concern troll in /b/ and /leftypol/. Going to post all the terrible shit he said.


I made a container thread for you



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I'm at work. Can you at least bring this to the meta board? I will go over it when I get home and go over the idea or possiblity of banning him with the matrix users after and over view.

Alternatively, you also are more than welcome to join the matrix chat to give your input and also influence decision making in the site including this.
We encourage that actually as it is must more poignant than posting on the board which has a lag between us and the user base.


I'll put it in matrix




I didn't even notice this was already in meta. I'm having a rough day at work man, lol.

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