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File: 1655805416834.jpg ( 283.47 KB , 820x546 , 1651805158923.jpg )


I am curious about this because I feel like our community is small enough and close enough to achieve something like this.
Only a select few chads actually use this site and I feel like we could bring more quality posting on this boiard by appealing to the nature of secret haxxor culture and making the site only accessible through private secure and anonymous nodes such as tor, i2p, lokinet, etc etc etc.



Yeah, getchan already exists, so that can become the bunker on the clearnet if .ogre goes down or attracts to many rightoids.


Nah, we want to be read for outsiders to join this chan if we ever get popular.


get is full of fags no way


File: 1655912268206.jpg ( 11.17 KB , 293x301 , 165532503323.jpg )

Getchan is also full of pedophiles.

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