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I've been getting more interested in gardening, and I was very disappointed to learn that most of the garden hoses have lead in them or other toxic chemicals that leach into the water, making it unsafe to drink. While searching for a perfectly safe garden hose, (which are nearly impossible to find), I discovered a non-profit website that has a lot of warnings on toxic chemicals in common consumer products. Do inform yourself so you can better protect yourself from hidden sources of pollution.



What? All the ones here (Europe) are made of plastic/polyvinyl. They will be reinforced with polyester thread. But lead? No way.


Back to the trashbin of history you go.


Until the revolution you have to relieve stress somehow. Enjoy some consumerism while it lasts.


Wooden computer parts seem like a huge fire hazard.


yeah i love my blue geans and mcdonalds trips


also when communism actually hits the fan, i will do the same basically

i will continue consume garbage like i do today


after all luxury communism means a cheaper i-phone

and the factory is owned by workers too


instead porky, yeah


i will go to japan and become a gamer

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