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Bros, I think I broke leftypol, this message only appears when I reply to a post, I can post regular posts without a problem

Is space still around in leftypol to begin with? Can anybody here explain what is this?


>I can post regular posts without a problem
What is the diatinction from a regular post?


Huh, it seems like the trigger is the name of porn studios, because I can make all kinds of posts


At first I thought it was a site wide measure, triggered by quoting posts, so I just made a "test" post and it was posted, the trigger is the name of porn studios for some reason lmao


>ogres are now banning random Mexicans for sharing the same ISP with me

LMAO! It has begun. If we start shitposting using proxies from other ISPs, maybe they will start giving random anons from other countries the same treatment, essentially making the whole site unusable

We can fight against the ruthless clique!


So you arent just some anon sharing an ISP you really are the leftcum
thanks for admitting it on this site with your memeflag


Also, that anon who got banned was not me, some random Mexican got banned lmao


Or maybe I was ;) tell your butt buddies at .org to ban every ISP from Mexico hahahaha


>.ogre jannies are so fanny flustered they actually come here to yell at anons.


They are basically impotent little cuckbois who have started banning innocent anons because they have a complex over, I literally have them on perpetual schizophrenia Everytime they see a Leftcom flag

I have already started shitposting with other flags, let's see if they get the same treatment hahahah


ngl we should ban mexicans too. even if they did it for the wrong reasons.


look, its time for me to come clean
I am the original "Mexican nazbol" shitposter, the lore write itself, and it eventually became something completely different

Unique IPs: 10

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