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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Apparently Romania and the US knew, at the time they accused Russia & China of interference, that the social media campaign for Călin Georgescu which preceded his electoral victory was actually funded primarily by one of the major established Romanian parties. Ryan Grim compares it to all the times the DNC has funded far-right Republicans, ostensibly to have an easier candidate to beat, although some would say that if that was, in fact, the DNC's goal then their results have been very questionable. In Romania's case, the gov't just overturned the election entirely and falsely blamed Russia.


It's ironic that an establishment party funded the campaign of an outsiders party that in the end won the election. It's somewhat questionable whether that actually was causal. At least If you make a legal argument that spending money on political campaigns is interfering with an election, then you create the precedent that will allow small parties to contest every election a big party wins on the basis of having more resources for political campaigning.

If the election wasn't rigged that means it's legit and the cancellation isn't valid. If they have a do-over election that they rig in order to impose a vassal candidate. That's very likely going to cause political violence, because it likely would be a regression to colonialism. We know that will end with an anti-colonial liberation movement driving out colonial overlords. It's the failed strategy that ended the British empire.

I wonder what the goal is, are they trying to sacrifice Romania like they did with Ukraine, in order to impose another war on Russia ?
Do they think the Romanian population would fall for that trick after seeing what happened to the Ukrainians ?

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