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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Can't stop the Stein

We're gonna get 0.5% baby

fuck neoliberal shills


She got over 1% in 2016. I'd be surprised if it's less than that this time around.


I'm pretty sure it will be. 3rd parties are looking like a less and less viable option.


To who?


To anyone with half a brain.


People with a full brain, on the other hand, are increasingly receptive to the idea of voting for what they actually believe in.


No one votes for 3rd party because they "believe in it" No on the left. You retards vote for it because you are mad that the world isn't a perfect utopia. Also you are a a bunch of narcissists.


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Literally every third party candidate except Randall is mogging the DNC/GOP this cycle in terms of message and professionalism. Trump is a buffoonish rapist and Harris is a genocidal empty husk who spent four years playing second banana to another buffoonish rapist with a brain malfunction. Almost everyone who's voting for Harris or Trump is doing so because they think the other is just too horrible.



people seem unaware the last Green nominee got like 0.3%, .5% would be almost double.


> New Deal policy
> "Utopian'

go back to reddit, half the stuff Stein advocates is already law just isn't funded by the psycopaths you vote for


Harris has basically no leftist policy on her platform except I guess the minimum wage thing, but her target is where it should have been a decade ago


I'm voting Stein, but I'm realistic because I've actually looked at polling and past vote shares.

The Harris campaign very publicily invested millions into targeting Steins campaign and Stein voters with misinfo, they were even bragging about it.

Also, she was taken off many ballots by force and has much more of a media blackout than 2016. It's a pretty reasonable assumption she won't outperform her 2016 vote share because of all these things.


What the fuck are you even talking about? I am saying that you are too stuypid to play with the hand you are delt and that you are so selfish you would rather let people die in the middle east worse and let the world burn because you don't think dems are morally superior enough for your own entitled little taste.


Because third parties are spoilers who do nothing but ruin election cycles and allow reactionaries in the republican party to win. Fuck third party retards get wrecked.


Working hard?


Yeah, Stein definitely has better foreign policy positions than Harrump.


Yep this is exactly what I am talking about.

"I, specifically, for no reason in particular, and so special that a FBI agent is following me around making me look bad on the internet"


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Oh no, anon. Surely you sincerely think you're going to convince anons on leftypol to vote for a right-wing pro-capitalist neoliberal neocon warmonger. You do realize this isn't liberalchan, right?


If Harris even tried to pretend to have a decent housing plan I would have held my nose and voted for her.

Her housing bill defines "affordable" as $400,000.

Fuck her honestly.


When you write short-circuited logic like this:

>you are so selfish you would rather let people die in the middle east worse and let the world burn because you don't think dems are morally superior enough

You are implying that the genocide in the middle east is not caused by the Democrats.

This is glowmigger behaviour.


I don't care what you retards do.
You aren't special.

Again you are not so special that you are being tailed by the CIA.

>Genocide in the middle easy is caused by democrats

Yep, exactly, you have a retard understanding of sociopolitics.


>you have a retard understanding of sociopolitics
Yes to be fair to have to have a very high autism score to understand the genocide taking place in Gaza. It's a complicated and nuanced issue and it's best for people like me to stay out of it and not blame the incumbent party of the US on it.


>Yep, exactly, you have a retard understanding of sociopolitics.
Democrats are in charge right now and they sure ain't doing anything to stop the Palestinian genocide.


Wromg. It's Republicans who are.


Even saying "not doing anything to stop it" is kinda weird. As if they're not in command of the military. You don't say "the rapist didn't do anything to prevent the rape".


First time the Green Party got third place in the presidential election in almost 24 fucking years. That shocked me.


>Yes to be fair to have to have a very high autism score to understand the genocide taking place in Gaza. It's a complicated and nuanced issue.
How is this complicated ?

The Zionists are murdering or displacing the Palestinians in order to conquer territory for them selves.
A significant portion of the ruling class supports it because they think the Zionists can be their tool to exert imperial dominance over that region.
It will likely backfire cause colonial tactics no longer work in current conditions.


So is this a win for the people who want a 3rd party ?
Is there light at the end of the tunnel ?


>How is this complicated ?
It's copy pasta from reddit that you have to have a high I Q. to watch rick and morty, but this board has wordfilters it to 'autism score' and the joke didn't come through as well.

tl;dr it was sarcasm.


I was seething for about 23 years that the Greens were always getting 4th-6th place in presidential elections.

Now that they came in third, I was happy.

But yes, of course it's nowhere near enough. The Greens need a divided Democratic Party to collapse for them to win.


Also, Greens should rebrand or let a younger party (not PSL) replace them.

They Greens are so old their leaders are still using email listservs and will probably die a natural death in 5-10 years.

I still think Stein is a good politician and think she should found or lead a new party.


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>The Greens need a divided Democratic Party to collapse for them to win.
There's only way that's gonna happen: the federal state faces an existential crisis. That's normally the kind of condition it takes to replace a party in a system dominated by Duverger's Law.

The other option is to force adoption of an alternative voting method (proportional representation is a much heavier reform) that can actually make third parties competitive in elections. Sadly the national Green Party is still shooting itself in the foot pushing that crap tier Instant Runoff Voting, which has never broken down two party rule in all the governments its been used in.


What's wrong with the PSL?



You retards cont. to be retarded.
You see the world as black and white and this is why you remain politically irrelevant suckers sitting on an imageboard in deeep space.


well no, it just takes a major party to collapse, it doesnt have to be the ruling party

eg the whigs were a major party, and they werent the state, but their collapse funnelled into the Republic minor party, making it a major party


the PSL is too much about -isms over policy. I only hear them talk about -isms in their speeches rather than policy or a vision for the future


You don't think the condition that caused the Whigs to collapse was an existential crisis for the state?


no because slavery wasn't a national issue until the bleeding kansas incident. And the civil war was over taxation, not slavery primarily


PSL only got like 200 votes so they wouldn't even be much for Greens to coalition with


That's a rather impressive misunderstanding of history. Slavery was a national issue from at least the Missouri Compromise in 1820 and arguably from the very beginning of the federation. There is a reason the Civil War is sometimes described as the Second American Revolution.




Wasn't there a lot of anti-democratic repression against her. I heard about her getting removed from ballots and other shenanigans. So the real number of people who support her probably is a lot higher.


She and Cornel West both made it onto ballots here in GA, and then the DNC sued. At first the lawsuits were rejected, but they kept suing, and it ended up in a situation where the ballots were already printed with her name on them but they wouldn't count votes for her or West.

I went to vote on the day, and the machines still had her and West's names. There were signs posted at polling places saying that votes for those two would not be counted, but no one who wasn't looking for those signs would have seen them. It was insanely sketchy. She actually collected like 17,000 signatures here (more than enough) just to get on the ballots to begin with, and West collected thousands, too.


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Vermin ran this year? He did even worse than the wooswoos candidates.


He ran Pirate this year, yeah… although based on that, I guess it was unofficial and he ran as Independent with a Pirate Party endorsement or something.


Ohio made up an official excuse to refuse to count Stein votes as well. They claim the Greens switched their VP nominee past the deadline, when the Democrats did exactly the same thing. I wonder if there are any other states.

We need to call this what it is: election fraud. They are altering the results of an election by manipulating the counting process. That is election fraud. Just because a state sanctions it, doesn't make it any less fraudulent.


OP here, I called Stein's percentage exactly correctly a day before the election

Knew it


eh, so 6x less than the Greens. Coalition worthy? probably not. But not HORRIBLE considering their past record.


Why couldn't Stein have picked a running mate before being nominated, is that against the rules or something?

It'd prevent all these tricks by Dems


>As if they're not in command of the military.
They're not in command of the Israeli military.

>First time the Green Party got third place in the presidential election in almost 24 fucking years.
Most libertarians voted for Trump because their own candidate was so pathetically awful.


>Most libertarians voted for Trump because their own candidate was so pathetically awful.
Was he really though? He seemed all right to me, if I was a propertarian.


>He seemed all right to me

>First time the Green Party got third place in the presidential election in almost 24 fucking years.
The real question is did the Greens get more votes than usual or was it just the LP dropping themselves to 4th place.


> was it just the LP dropping themselves to 4th place.
They weren't even 4th lol
<Jill Stein - Green Party: 640,115
<Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Independent: 615,681
<Chase Oliver - Libertarian: 574,724

>The real question is did the Greens get more votes than usual


<Jo Jorgensen Libertarian: 1,865,535
<Howie Hawkins Green: 407,068

<Gary Johnson Libertarian: 4,489,341
<Jill Stein Green: 1,457,218

<Gary Johnson Libertarian: 1,275,971
<Jill Stein Green: 469,627



They really rolled out the "spoiler" propaganda hard again after 2016. Sad but still very effective.


Are you saying he wasn't insane enough for the anarcho-capitards in the party? I think there were a couple times in debates where he defended popular public programs, alongside his calls to privatize everything else.


I would be cautious about taking the electoral result as an objective barometer for the level of support the greens have. It's somewhat likely that it does not reflect reality.

If you are being realistic the goal of a third party has to be about creating and growing organizations, networks that link people together, that enable them to act as coherent groups rather than disorganized individuals. You know informal political power.

If you have gained sufficient informal power, the official system will be forced to let you have formal political representation.

The electoral system by it self looks rather closed off, it's unlikely that a new party could rise up inside that system. So look at the electoral system as a place to advertise and recruit, more than anything.


Stein is well over 700k now, and that's not counting write-ins in new york


Can't believe hundreds of thousands of Kennedycucks voted for that grifter after he ended his campaign and bowed out of the election like a good boy.


He was rewarded too with a cabinet position on the fucking FDA


>Are you saying he wasn't insane enough for the anarcho-capitards in the party?
He supported lockdowns, mask mandates, vax mandates, carbon tax, open borders, transitioning children and everybody who disagrees with him is a racist bigot transphobe nazi. He's basically a mainstream liberal who read an economics book.

>He was rewarded too with a cabinet position on the fucking FDA
Isn't that a good thing? Somebody will start holding these amoral profit maximizing corporations accountable instead of just rubber stamping their sketchy drugs.


That's interesting, I didn't get a sense of any of that stuff during debates.

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