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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1729768532574.png ( 111.3 KB , 1086x482 , 20241024_07h10m55s_grim(1).png )



Reddit stops counting the total after -100

The only comment they upvoted was one that was critical of Trump.

Affordable housing, universal health care? nope, -5000 karma


Eglin Air Force Base be like


Yeah it's not "redditors" like the title implies, it's reddit itself and whoever controls it as part of the larger propaganda apparatus.


File: 1729815043727.png ( 353.42 KB , 830x592 , DOWNVOOTED.png )



not sure what this means but i lol'd


>The only comment they upvoted was one that was critical of Trump.
And the biggest downvoted posts include "duopoly", "Democrats" and "Biden".


Why would you assume any of this was real people up/down-voting ?

The most reasonable explanation is that she does have electoral appeal and that's why all these shenanigans are happening.

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