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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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what is to be done about the masses of sheeple who always do whatever the empire tells them to do? how are we supposed to organize in solidarity with vaxies who support vax mandates? how am I supposed to deal with people who vote in support of genocidal zionist politicians like Harris, Trump, and Kennedy even though it's clear they are screwing their own voters regardless? what are we supposed to do about the brainwashed, bloodthirsty psychos who support the global 4th reich?


material conditions will force the "sheeple" to accept reality. nothing more, nothing less.


Hypnotherapy is not a trivial thing. It is impossible to undo the damage by any re-education. There is only managing the livestock once it takes root. No "awakening" changes this once they internalize this many lies, in the way they were made to do so.


That said, compliance is no longer an option, and all of the compliance with COVID was premised on fear and marking down the enemies of the "Jehad". It was inevitable after what you allowed to happen in the 1990s. The eugenists brag that you were operating the death camps and couldn't stop them. A Satanic race cannot change.


Propaganda is a helluva drug, but good teaching and persuasion principles apply here. Use the Socratic Method, lean into evidence whenever possible, develop a habit of tactfully reminding people when their assertions haven't been supported enough to be arguments. When someone realizes that they can't support their own beliefs in a friendly, non-confrontational setting, that's when the conditioning starts to break down.


Have you consodered tgat most sheeple are "truthseekers" like you and hence why theyre the easiest to dupe?

The game of mass deception is avhievable because of "alternative" media.
Most "alternative" media spreads the same biases as their respective mainstream counterparts.

In fact, alot of alternative news media are indirectly corporately owned.

Even if not, most "truthseekers" are unable to read further than pop culture cliches.


I've found more common ground with conservative and libertarians than the liberal types where I live. Libs will smugly and self-righteously support literal fascism and talking to them has been largely a waste of my time and a test of my patience.

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