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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1727261765314.png ( 287.73 KB , 494x380 , jkk.png )


One retarded thing the left does more than the right is watermark memes with ownership. By placing who made it in either a corner or watermark. If a meme is good don't try to own it just let it free. It's supposedly about the idea, not about you.


File: 1727263229533.jpg ( 87.33 KB , 720x559 , ogre_user_experience.jpg )

you must be some sort of angry Ogre


File: 1727264775594.jpg ( 144.58 KB , 850x889 , OP by memesters union.jpg )




i'm not talking about ironic watermarking which makes fun of the watermarkers like "nazbol gang" or whatevr, i'm talking about cringelords trying to put copyright or ownership on a meme like the OP, I see it way more on the left than the right


File: 1727275598221.jpg ( 164.23 KB , 1611x694 , OP by Memesters Union.jpg )



You can always edit the meme if you don't like it, you know the clone-tool has been standard in most image-editing softwares for like 20 years.






File: 1727553688669.jpg ( 61.24 KB , 1200x1100 , made_by_nazcentbol_gang.jpg )

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