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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.


What's your favorite scary movie?


I don't like scary movies. Undertale has a nice level of body-horror for what it is, considering the audience was Zoomer tweens for the first game.


whats your thoughts on Newgene?
Theres another anon on Org that people refer to as Newgene due to his prose.


I don't know who this "Newgene" is.


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>Newgene when he sees this post
>Eugene when he posted that


kek maybe somebody trained a textbot on those eugenics-rants


Keep your diarrhea in your containment thread, narcissist.


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This person Eugene posted the same thread over at Org siberia. Are we really gonna let that slide?


Previous Eugene-lit thread has been archived at >>>/leftypol_archive/22975


advertising your site is fucking cringe brah.
sage this bullshit


Moved to >>>/edu/7537 after vote. Please do not recreate threads while previous iterations are still active

Unique IPs: 8

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