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The is supreme Court this morning ruled that Trump is basically allowed to pardon himself and that his trial for the January insurrection is postponed until after the election. This will set a historical presidence for the presidency. Is this the death of anything resembling democracy in the US? It's funny to hear liberal pundents work in circles to try and proclaim the SCOTUS is not political at this point, kek.


>january insurrection
The supreme court probably just saved america since the more based militant portion of the population are for trump and denying him a place on the ballot of a swing state would give credence to his theory of election meddling dems do this in their primaries as seen in wikileaks and are a favorite of the network and online propaganda machine. It's probably good that they did this since the "left" is broadly scum opportunist troons parroting dem talking points. If the civil war happens too early real communists will get squashed. Even the tiny minority of armed "communists" right now are SRA HRT troons who can't hit paper at seven yards with a braced rifle. The court has been largely positive the past years by removing malthusian racist abortion policies, and removing gun control form the books. The infant communist movement in the US must develop militant culture before history moves on without us.


I"f the court ruled like that, the country already imploded. They're acknowledging that it is already a civil war. Of course, that is exactly what they want, and this was set up long ago. It was the design of the country to implode in this fashion, through the court.

I don't know why anyone thinks the facts are ambiguous. You would put down Trump like a dog if any of this were real - but it isn't real, and he was the plan.


lol my favorite schizo is turning into Jimmy Dore


Eugene is actually relatively on point about this one.

If this was a functioning democracy, two things would already have occurred:

1. Biden would resign due to legitimate concerns over his age & mental state.
2. Trump would be barred from running due to the "fake electors" stuff, his call to Brad Raffensperger, and his (comparatively small role in) the Jan. 6 buffoonery.

That these things haven't occurred signals that someone, some very powerful people, do not want these things to occur. I think it's not that unlikely that the past 8 years of electoral "events" have been carefully crafted with the goal of setting a precedent for a dictatorial presidency and then installing Trump as that dictator - probably simply because he was the guy who agreed to the request.

It's been a long road of political capture leading to this, with the American MIC & Israeli Zionists teaming up to achieve this goal by using AIPAC as a "backdoor" to buy far-right politicians their positions, and along the way using the court to support this programme - Bush, Jr.'s election ultimately utilized the court, too. It's evident that the court is willing to just ignore constitutional law in order to support this stuff, and this was also true when Dubya attacked habeas corpus, too.

It's most likely that guys like Biden, ardent Zionist that he is, are in on this plan, and in retrospect words like "if Israel didn't exist, we would have to create it to protect our interests in the region" ring very prescient; Israel does very little to protect American interests, broadly speaking, but it has done a great deal of work to launder the revival of Fascism in America behind the mask of "Jewish" interests.

About every bad suspicion you have is true, and it could well be worse than you expect. Get to work. The time to sit on the sidelines giggling about it is over, and has, most likely, been over for much longer than we, many of us, may have thought.

This is what is planned:


Ive been saying Trump is controlled opposotion. The fact ges stolen tge hearts of millions despite his vulgarity and inaction so quickly and hes not been disqualified permanently. And the fact his two opponents, Biden and Hillary, whom have at least some level of competency but have skeletons in the closet, while young upcoming senators with clean slates and better outlook are dropped is telling of some dark spiritual force.


If this country were a democracy, we would have acknowledged that the Constitutional government cannot operate - this basically is what happened at the turn of the 20th century, with threats to call a constitutional convention building up. What would have come out of the 1970s would have effectively been the end of the United States and the "capitalist order" or what was calling itself such. But, when the mask came off, you saw just what this really was, and weren't allowed to say it as it happened and cannibalized everything in sight, starting with the Soviet Union and now working on the former United States.

If not before Reagan, it would have ended with 2008 - and in many ways it had already ended, and is to be replaced with this new thing Obama shepherded. They decided a long time ago they selected us to die, and there was no stopping what was set in motion during the 1980s. They have been very effective at not allowing to name who did this, what they were for, and why it happened. They will cast aspersions to some other thing as a phantom egregore of incentives and conditions, far removed from eugenics which was sacrosanct and the last Absolute of the human race.


I don't even think of it being about a "functional democracy", though. If the rulers cared about anything that was at all worth keeping, nothing from 2008 on would have been tolerated, and a lot presumed that Obama had some sort of plan for the future beyond eternal liberal smug. There is I imagine some plan up there, but they have no plan for us. That was decided a long time ago, and they bragged at how irrelevant the people were to any of their calculations. The sick thing is that, behind the curtain, there is really a big nothing. They have no "great idea" or any indication that what they do up there is anything other than a reproduction of humanity's vices since time immemorial. They don't want any other idea - why would they? All they can think about is that they're winning and the losers are losing, because they don't need to think about anything else or suggest that there is anything else. Frankly, there isn't anything else "in nature". It's just that there wasn't anything in humans except the rot that they started with, and humans stripped out qualities of the world that once moderated its vices and chose to deliberately make it as terrible as possible, for the most spurious purposes. Now the rulers are locked into this. There is no "off switch" for eugenics. This is all humanity or anything that succeeds it can be, and there's no race of "brights" up there with a very different essence. It's just more of the same old faggotry.


As for what they're doing - they don't need Trump or any particular figurehead of the political class. If they had to pick someone, they would pick some CIA assholes to be the face and tell the people to fuck off. That's what Obama was, still visible and given the face to look like he's calling the shots, while Biden is the Medvedev of the tandemocracy.


The "hidden state" has become somewhat more visible - only in the ways it wishes to reveal itself, so that it can better exercise its authority - and more people have come to accept it, believe that this is superior to "stupid democracy". But, all they really believe in is eugenics. They have no other idea, and never needed such.


Any idea other than eugenics is only vaguely followed, distant and kept in chambers that aren't for "us", and not relevant to suggest the modus operandi of those who rule. If there is any other idea, they have chosen to make eugenics the overt ruling idea, and that no other ruling idea is necessary for the public. Everything about eugenics has been designed to destroy the very concept of a "public", and it has gone far in that mission.


I can also say - this has been in the works for a long time, and certainly has been the plan since the 1990s, acted on by more than a few people in high places. There is a base ready for the next thing - the thing where they get rid of the people they've always wanted to kill. The thrill of torture must be and will be maximized. That is the way this country set for itself.


We can say what foreign influences wanted it to be this way, but the ugly reality is that this was only possible here, for this purpose. The rest of the world will do whatever, but America will be isolated and made into the end result of this social experiment, as will its closest associates. I'm seeing this set up not just in the US but UK and Israel, hence what is happening to set it in motion.

Really, I don't believe they have a "plan for the world" - they are rooted in transnational authority ultimately as empires must be, but they are probably happy to keep three superstates attacking each other. That's what "multipolarity" is code for - creating Ingsoc and that world. They don't hide that this is what they are engineering into existence, doing everything possible to make it real to drive home "this is what you are". It's ritual child abuse and they revel in it.


Maybe the judges were tired of getting dragged into political mud wrestling

>the death of anything resembling democracy in the US

no that happened when they legalized corruption, and political candidates became pre-selected by "donors"


>Maybe the judges were tired of getting dragged into political mud wrestling

That's why they took the job in the first place.


The supreme Court judges were appointed by trump himself. That's why they ruled they way they did.

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