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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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So Taiwan recently had elections, where the DDP won. The DDP is tied to the US. Their election campaign was focused on Taiwan secession from the one China principle. Oddly enough The Biden administration congratulated the DDP for their election victory by saying that the US doesn't support Taiwan independence.

While all this was going on, rumors started to surface that up to 90% of Taiwanese Generals and high-ranking military brass go to work in China when they retire from their military career. So while the US took over the Taiwanese political strata, the Chinese took over the command structure of the Taiwanese military. Mao probably would call this The party controls the gun.

So it appears that the neocon plan to create a Taiwan-China war is now cock-blocked. However with the US having a lot of influence over Taiwan's political strata, reunification is now paused as well.

This is a stalemate, and that means there's probably not going to be a happening in that region. Eventually all of this will tip in China's favor and reunification will happen once the US empire has sufficiently receded.

I guess this is good news for Asia, since they'll probably get spared a big war. It's probably bad news for the middle east tho.


How did this even happen? Did the US rig an election? I thought the Taiwanese had grown rather weary of saber rattling anti-China bullshit.


>How did this even happen?
Last i checked up on this was probably half a year ago. And at that point it looked like the DDP was headed for an electoral defeat and independence/secession was off the table. I didn't pay attention so i can't tell you what happened in the meantime.

>Did the US rig an election?

Yeah that thought crossed my mind as well

>I thought the Taiwanese had grown rather weary of saber rattling anti-China bullshit.

That's still the case. People in the west are weary of the neocon's Ukraine war and the Zionists trying to genocide the Palestinians, but that shit continues none the less.


The DPP only got 40 percent but thanks to Taiwans retarded election law the highest number in one round wins even if its not a majority

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