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God damn

Families in disbelief after hundreds of bodies found buried behind Mississippi jail

Jan 10 2024

The discovery of 215 bodies buried in unmarked graves behind a jail outside of Jackson, Mississippi, has left a community in disbelief. The families are angry they were never notified of the deaths and how their loved ones are buried in graves marked by just a metal rod and a number. Amna Nawaz discussed the disturbing details that have emerged with Bettersten Wade and attorney Ben Crump.

The families are angry their loved ones were buried in so-called pauper's graves marked by just a metal rod and a number and families were never notified of their deaths. The startling revelation came months after the mother of 37-year-old Dexter Wade filed a missing persons report last March. It wasn't until August when Bettersten Wade learned her son had been hit by a police car and killed, then buried in that same cemetery.

"And then I was calling them. They didn't have no information to let me know, have they found any information? All the details that I gave them for leads, they never came back to me to say, well, that lead led to something that we can work with. And I just couldn't believe that he had disappeared off the face of Earth and nobody knows where he at."

"And it was just horrible for me. And every day I wake up, I just want — I just look, look, look, just looking for him, just out in the streets looking for him. And, I mean, that's heartbreaking for a mother, and can't say hello, don't know how to get in touch with him. That is a horrible thing for a mother."

Benjamin Crump:

"We know, based on the records from the coroner's office, that, since 2016, in the last eight years, we can identify 215 individuals that were buried behind that jail, and their families have not been notified."

"Furthermore, Mr. Wade was number 672. That means there are 671 other people buried behind that jail marked with only a number."



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This is some hardcore shit.

So does that mean the police killed nearly 700 people and they just stuck em in the ground behind the jail ?


What the fuck am I reading? What is this some genocide shit happening in the United States?


It's unclear. My impression is that causes of death vary, although the fact that they apparently told nobody about these graves and haven't kept open records of these deaths is incredibly suspicious. If it's not all murder, it's incredibly negligent at the least.


Lol, yeah that'd be the head-line if it had happened in China

>the fact that they apparently told nobody about these graves and haven't kept open records of these deaths is incredibly suspicious.
Yup, it sounds like the premise for a B-Movie horror film.


Should we expect to learn there was organ harvesting?


maybe they know too much


I haven't researched the organ mafia in great detail, so take what i say with a grain of salt. It appears that they sort off "professionalized" and are no longuer operating in the underground where they get rid of bodies by digging ditches.

But you're hunch about it being some gruesome crime disposal-site, might still be true. Maybe it's cannibals. There haven't been scandals about that in a while.

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