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How much damage will Javier Milei be able to do ?
He seems to be a US vassal, and a rather unhinged nutcase.
He wants to make children a commodity that can be bought and sold, and give the police, Judge-Dredd style, on the spot judgement/punishment powers.

Will that be like in Bolivia a few years ago where crazy reactionaries got into power and began causing massive upheaval and than quickly got kicked out again.



China ready to work with Argentina despite president-elect Milei's criticism
"Bilateral relations between China and Argentina have shown sound momentum of growth," said Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning. "China stands ready to work with Argentina to keep our relations on a steady course forward," she said. But Diana Mondino, an economist tipped to become foreign minister in the Milei government, was quoted as saying by Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti that Argentina would "stop interacting" with the governments of China and Brazil, when asked whether Argentina would encourage exports and imports with those countries.

So the game is on, Chinese economic muscle vs US South American CIA influence networks, make your bets who bags Argentina in the geopol economic block allegiance game ?


>How much damage will Javier Milei be able to do ?
Honestly? Not much more than what has already been done. He's a fucking idiot and will damage Argentine reputation throughout the world, like Trump did to the US, but because the height of that was always lower, Argentina does not have a long way to fall. He's just as incompetent, and like Trump, will likely not get much done that will significantly affect anything he claims to care about. He's not a dictator, and the institutions in Argentina still seem to somewhat function. I should say, rather, that they function as much as they could be expected to in a South-American country after years of neoliberalism and corruption the kind of which is typical in the region. I do not expect it will be like Bolivia. Bolivia suffered an actual coup and the people were very obviously against it. This man was elected, so the fact is that the average Boludo wants him in power.


More likely will make Argentina onto a version of El Salvador
: i.e., one of the few places in Latin America where common people aren't desperate to flee from.

>Trump damaged Americas reputation around the world
Braindead burger take. Trump was respected around the world. Biden poops his pants and can barely finish a complete sentence
<t. I live abroad. No one speaks glowingly of Biden. He's seen as weak and feeble, and increasingly America is too. That's what happens when you give faggot liberals power. They ruin the things that control.


>muh neoliberalism
Argentina has successive center left governments over the last 20 years. During that time Argentina expanded social (engineering) programs like bribing parents with cash incentives to follow 'expert recommendations.' It made the living situation shit and caused inflation. Homosexual social policies were promoted, etc.

It's crazy how leftists have a view of the world which is totally divorced from reality. That's why people which common sense are increasingly alienated from the left, which in turn has to rely on external support from the WEF.


>Braindead burger take. Trump was respected around the world.
I was in Germany for his tenure. No, he wasn't. Only brain-dead trumptards believe that.




>the institutions in Argentina still seem to somewhat function. I should say, rather, that they function as much as they could be expected to in a South-American country after years of neoliberalism and corruption the kind of which is typical in the region. I do not expect it will be like Bolivia. Bolivia suffered an actual coup and the people were very obviously against it. This man was elected.
I see.

So what about the crazy shit he intents to do ? He said he wanted to privatize the entire state, or give the police the ability to punish people without a trial, or make poor people sell their children. Is he going to get ejected from power for trying this shit ?


He's there to facilitate plunder and nothing else. Clown show, nothing he says is real except the death and suffering. That's all these people believe in and all they can do.

There isn't as much to take there, and no real sense of independence or purpose for the country. I wouldn't be surprised if many countries in the region consolidate into neoliberal unions, privatized and ruled by human resources. Already underway with some of the other vassals, whether they are rightoid-flavored or leftoid-flavored like the guy in Chile.


>So what about the crazy shit he intents to do ? He said he wanted to privatize the entire state, or give the police the ability to punish people without a trial, or make poor people sell their children. Is he going to get ejected from power for trying this shit ?
He's not a dictator. He still needs to work it through the legislature, and the likely governments do not include people that would pass that legislation. This is the same as when Trump said he was going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, or that he was going to do worse than torture, or any of the stupid shit he claimed he wanted to do. Milei is an incompetent loser, just like Trump.


>There to facilitate plunder
Geez. That would be horrible… way worse than the triple digit inflation that respectable 'center leftists' presided over during the past few decades
>He's an incompetent loser
t. A nobody on an imageboard


Look, I get that you really like loud retards that say stupid shit on air, but that isn't going to make Milei a good leader. The fact is that he isn't going to get much done.


File: 1703302336521.jpg ( 6.91 KB , 255x190 , xi-chad.jpg )

>The fact is that he isn't going to get much done.
Maybe you were correct about that all along. During election season he proclaimed loudly that he was going to cut ties with China because they're "shithead communists" and he was going to center the Argentinian economy on the dollar.

The day after his inauguration he met with a Chinese delegation and now Argentina is doing currency swaps with China, and will uphold the One China principle.

<Be the incumbent hegemony

<Install a vassal in some country
<You're vassal gets flipped after a day in office


Just another clown-like Pinochet wannabe like Bolsonaro… First as tragedy, then as farce.


He's an incompetent but the people directing him are not, just like Trump. The ruling elite elevated Trump to get what they wanted, and they found enough fags in America to enable it.


You actually think money is made of magic and the line going up is due to offending the gods? Look at real inflation and then imagine if you didn't have the social and capital controls available to the US, the only country that can print unlimited money and get away with it. The triple digit inflation is a consequence of that policy since it is a global rather than national policy. All of this is intended - create crisis with neoliberalism, find a figurehead who will plunder the place and promote faggotry, then find either an actually competent fascist or a socdem or someone who settles the matter and makes the advance of plunder the new line to retreat from. Repeat every generation. That's what we have been consigned to. It relies on endlessly relitigating history, pretending that we're looping to some past example, and then rewriting the examples to say that we were always at war with Eastasia and humanity was always this.

None of that resembles reality, and it's always been a dogma of the fags who only think of kicking down to take the wealth of anyone who worked or built anything.


Im from Argentina and I CAN SAY any argentine who opposes Milei is effeminate.


why though? I get it if you just want to fuck with social democrats or something.


Bump. Ben Norton is profoundly based


He's a dumb contrarian who never successfully got out of his Brooklyn Trotkyite hipster roots. He should stick to journalism (which he's good at), and leave the analysis to more careful thinkers.

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