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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1697729544390.jpg ( 56.39 KB , 860x964 , US Tech Sanctions.jpg )


So the US recently has banned the exports of Nvidia's dedicated AI chips towards China, as part of an expanding US tech-blockade. The official rationale is that this will prevent China from having "advanced ai capabilities" or something. With the subtext being that the US is the arbiter of what kind of technology China is allowed to have.

In reality this cuts off Nvidia from the Chinese AI-chip market. With some delay Nvidia products will be replaced by domestically developed and produced Chinese Ai-chips. Effectively inverted-protectionism. Nvidia is currently overpoweringly dominant in the Ai-accelerator space. If normal capitalist market relations had continued, no Chinese competitor would have been able to establish it self as a serious contender against NVIDIA in this decade. The Sanctions will only prevent Nvidia from selling products in China it will not prevent the Chinese from doing industrial espionage.

China is a huge market 3-4 times larger than the US market. So this artificially created AI-chip vacuum will be filled by another Chinese tech-giant that will explosively grow in the next few years. We can compare this story with the Huawei tech giant (that makes networking infrastructure and cellphones). They could only grow through state subsidies, and it meant having to overcome market monopoly tendencies. This developmental-friction from the market-monopolization tendency has now been removed. The end result will be a Chinese AI-chip-giant becoming a global competitor that will to a significant extend eat Nvidia's lunch.

It used to be the case that in the imperial stage of capitalism, the imperial center would use it's power to impose monopoly exports onto the periphery at the behest of monopoly capitalists to crush potential competitors from the periphery. This tendency now seems to be inverting, and i don't understand why ?

I don't think this is caused by racial spooks of Chinese people lacking inventiveness, that's just a "un-creative ant-people yellow-peril" propaganda-narrative. Not all racists are dumb, there are quite a lot of intelligent ones that only believe their own lies to the extend that it benefits their interests. So what is motivating this ? They must know that what they are doing will slow down China's tech-sector in the present at the expense of tremendously speeding it up in the near future. That seems like a bad trade-off unless the short-term advantage in the here and now has a huge transformative payoff. Have they bought into the AI-hype and unironically believe that Nvidia is about to birth an AI-god that will conquer the world and who ever gets there first wins the "AI-age" ? It's hard to fathom that this Scifi B-movie plot could possibly drive this policy.

Am i'm over-thinking this, are they just shooting them selves in the foot ?


Nvidia isn't hurting for customers and they can barely keep up with demand. So yes, you're overthinking it.


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It's a good question OP, I have heard certain policies the US has taken called a "controlled demolition" of their economy.

I think whoever decided USA policy either ate their own propaganda and believed it, and honestly thought they could stop China, or they didn't think it through.

But as you said if this isn't in the usual playbook for imperialists, then the imperialists have now recognized that they cannot bully China.


>Nvidia isn't hurting for customers and they can barely keep up with demand.
That's what every capitalist wants, it means higher profit margins, why would they be ok with letting that go ?


>I have heard certain policies the US has taken called a "controlled demolition" of their economy.
That's a fitting expression but what is causing them to want to demolish their economy ?

>I think whoever decided USA policy either ate their own propaganda and believed it.

They all drank the cool-aid ? There is nobody else left ? Wow that's scary shit.

>But as you said if this isn't in the usual playbook for imperialists, then the imperialists have now recognized that they cannot bully China.

That would be a fair analysis if they weren't also surrounding China with a string of military bases.


>why would they be ok with letting that go ?
He's saying they're shut out of a market they can't really exploit right now anyway. That's why they don't care.

>what is causing them to want to demolish their economy ?
Globalists don't want strong independent nation states they want weak failed states who cannot resist being absorbed into a bigger political structure.

>That would be a fair analysis if they weren't also surrounding China with a string of military bases.

We can't stop the military industrial complex. They get their money regardless of how much their actions help or hurt the country.


>dedicated AI chips
I'mma stop you right there OP. What the hell is an "AI chip"? Is this just another buzzword from Silicon Valley hucksters?


It's a processor that accelerates training models. Nvidia's H100 for example. But there are also chips inside phones that help make things like speech synthesis and video processing faster, which is using AI models.


I fail to see what makes one of these different than any other processor.


It has circuits that lets them do certain operations involved in AI much faster. In general hardware is often built to speed-up specific software, like video cards are created in response to games and rendering becoming a thing.

I guess the difference between video cards and AI processors is that you can buy a video card and AI accelerators are either chips developed internally by companies like Google and aren't for sale, or they are super expensive like the nvidia chips. So it's kind of hard to play with this technology at home.


>I fail to see what makes one of these different than any other processor.
special purpose coprocessors are older than your boomer ass

operations implemented in hardware are always more efficient than operations implemented in software


I guess you don't believe in GPUs either?


Well lets give that anon the benefit of doubt.

AMD's APUs i.e. processors with really powerful integrated GPUS might eventually get good enough to kill dedicated GPUs
Computers used to have dedicated sound cards and network-adapter cards for decades, you know.

Maybe that anon means that the dedicated machine-learning accelerator hardware in AI-Chips gets added to processors and that just becomes another part of general purpose processors.

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