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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Western intelligence/media caught in another lie

>Assad did nothing wrong

Gender theory, the coof, the entire narrative surrounding Ukraine. Is there anything they don't lie about?


How does Kit Klarenberg manage to get so many leaks? The UK seems to be pretty bad at keeping secrets these days.


>Western intelligence/media caught in another lie
I think we should stop looking at this as the news lying, because it ain't news, it's just commercials for wars.

>Assad did nothing wrong

Assad gets credit for preventing Syria having the same fate as Libya. But Syria suffered enormous damage, both the population and it's material base. Obviously something went wrong.

>Gender theory

They're not granting people an opt out, genderdenties are mandatory, it's a secular religion trying to burn the heathens. We need enlightenment reloaded. The first enlightenment had a bug, it erroneously assumed that all religions are based on supernatural believes, we have to fix it and account for secular religions.

>the coof,

Yeah a fuckton of people died from this, so it's not made up, but yeah the politics that it spawned were terrible

>the entire narrative surrounding Ukraine.

Based on what i saw it seems like 80% was incorrect

>Is there anything they don't lie about?

It used to be that the facts were correct and they added spin in the framing, interpretation and conclusions. So you could figure out the truth if you knew how to decipher their narratives. But recently they have made up facts as well. While they obviously don't lie about everything, there is now uncertainty for everything they say.

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