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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>Makes Work From Home in America permanent by dragging out the COVID pandemic twice as long as Europe. Europe returned to office 2 years ago
>Caused the Commercial Real Estate market to collapse destroying countless booj landlords
>Discredited American fascism to an entire generation of zoomers.
>Got hundreds of thousands of GOP voters to die by convincing them to not take the vax.
>The most prolifically successful double agent both for the Democrats and workers in modern history.
Dare I say that he's /ourguy/?


Oh look it's this thread again


Look, it's you complaining about threads rather than creating them again


t. butt hurt MAGApede


We're in your walls


How did Trump know dragging out COVID would make Work From Home permanent? Seriously, we cannot let this type of strategic genius slip away.


Comrade Dunning Krueger is on another weed bender


Come on CHUD, don't deflect the question
Work from Home has got to be one of the greatest labor concessions in 50 years. Countless time, money and even lives have been saved from millions of proles not having to commute.
Pulling off something this big had to have been planned.


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Trump is truly BASED beyond belief.

Just the sheer amount of SEETHING he causes from the establishment brings a smile to my face.

He's gonna get Kennedy'd, mark my words lads.

Make America Red Again.


Also, the ONLY president in recent times under which the world saw LESS war.

Actions speak louder than words.


>Destroying the working class to own the libs.
Very based


Wasn't he in office when ISIS took over Iraq?


ISIS was a consequence of the policies of the previous administration.

That's like blaming Afghanistan on Trump.


What destroys the working class is war.

And the dem ghouls are the biggest saber rattlers around.


Work-from-home catered to a small sector of agoraphobic faggy office workers, not proles, but people who are on the same spiritual level as reddit moderators – like you. It simultaneously enriched a class of big tech CEOs while driving people who produce/do things in the real world into unemployment

Nice try


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Long live comrade Trump!


Why do some of the communists on this site support trump? Genuinely curious.


Because we're not 'communist' or 'leftist' in the faggy do-nothing western sense of the word


Voting for a liberal party is doing something for you eh?


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Because he is anti-establishment. Which is as good as it gets in american politics.

He is also an actual independent political force among all the cucks like Bernie that are fucking terrified of winning lol.


I'm not "voting" for any party, fag.

I'm voting for Trump.




The only extent that "communists" support Trump is it's ones that think it brings American capitalism closer to collapsing for accelerationist purposes. Of course this a small fraction of retards who were unable to observe that it didn't work after four years.


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>ones that think it brings American capitalism closer to collapsing for accelerationist purposes
That's just vague meaningless bullshit.

I want Trump in office so that it could destabilize political system, I want branches of the government to be at each other's throats, I want the system of checks and balances so stressed that it fucking BREAKS, and all the accumulated political tension overflows the "proper" controlled political channels and spills over to the fucking STREETS.

If the Devil himself can bring me this - I will vote for him.


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>Of course this a small fraction of based who were unable to observe that it didn't work after four years.
fixed that for you,retard.
>KNOW it brings American capitalism closer to collapsing for accelerationist purposes
fixed again, you sorry shitlicker


>Small sector
>The largest sectors of the economy are knowledge work


You all are never getting slavery back, pick your own cotton


>Knowledge workers
You mean PMC?


Breaks over. Get back to work


"double agent"
Nope, 99% of conservatives publicly accept fascism.
Trump's their nominee.


>The billionair political figure is anti establishment for commies

Yep, the left is dead.



What a massive fucking cope.

This is such a myopic take. Like yeah it's true he shook up the political system, but, at what cost? You aren't going to get a socialist revolution out of this you are going to get a fascist police state.


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no, worse it is massively autistic
fascist states dont have a long shelf life anon which ultimately better and funnier


In what context? You realize if the US went facist it would be an unprecedented historical event right?


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in the context of within a few decades of it dissolving any illusions of democracy it become unstable and would fray like a motherfucker. its allies would chafe,abandon, or follow the same path. the masses would splinter,implode and cannibalize. after central authority has been shown for the sham it is, deification of higher power structures and individual would become extinct


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also post images u fuckin faggot


We can't really say what would happen. This is a bit naive. A country the size of the united states with the population and military power it has, again, would be unprecedented. I think it would end up like a man in the high castle situation. Like if the US was fascist what's preventing it from just forcing the world to play by its rules?


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>This is a bit naive
no this has been the pattern for eons
>A country the size of the united states with the population and military power it has, again, would be unprecedented
would be the natural course, pic related as this is the mentality which festers in the minds of west heads
>if US was fascist what's preventing it from just forcing the world to play by its rules?
warlordism, the natural state of might makes right with no illusion

post images, this is an imageboard not a textboard, retard


Please don't just cherry pick everything I say there's no point in having a conversation if you are just going to be an asshole and not listen to everything I am saying.

You cannot follow a patter because italy, Germany, Spain, Japan, these countries were all 1/20th the size of the US with les smilitary power and a smaller population.

You just keep making the declaration that it would be like other attempts at fascism but I don't think it would be.


Listening to leftists talk about fascism is about as enlightening as listen to Jordan Peterson talk about Marxism


You never actually have anything worth a damn to say.


Man, like, you've gotta chill and understand that I'm not cherry-picking your vibes or anything, but sometimes, like, you gotta groove with the flow of conversation, ya know? It's all about exchanging ideas and vibes, and nobody's trying to be an asshole here. We're just trying to get on the same wavelength, man.

I get where you're coming from, but, like, comparing countries can be a bit trippy, you know? Italy, Germany, Spain, Japan - they're all unique in their own way, man. It's not just about size and military power. It's about the whole scene, the culture, the time, and the place. You can't just slap a one-size-fits-all label on these things.

And I totally dig your concern about fascism, man. Nobody wants that negative energy. But history teaches us some harsh lessons, and it's cool to be a little cautious, you know? It's like, "peace and love, but let's not forget the past, man." We're just trying to keep things groovy and harmonious, without repeating the mistakes of the past. So, let's keep the conversation flowing, and who knows, maybe we'll all find some common ground, man.


Smoke another


It would be great if you could rely on your own brain for shit posting.

Somehow, someway, you've managed to make the right look even more fake, ghey, and pathetic than the left.(not that hard tbh, burger politics is basically a race to the bottom)

Great job, anon


>File never existed
Why are mods obscuring the fact that someone is spamming the site with non sequitur AI generated text?


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>if the US went fascist
rofl where the fuck have you been?


Lmao I thought only reddit fags misunderstood fascism so hilariously badly.


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>Lmao I thought only reddit fags misunderstood fascism so hilariously badly.
Man, you crack me up with that comment. It's true that some folks don't get fascism, but it's not just a Reddit thing. People can misunderstand stuff anywhere. No need to single out Reddit.

Fascism's a complex topic, homes. Some people might not really get what it's all about, and yeah, that can lead to some wacky misunderstandings. But let's not just blame it on one place. It's more common than you think.

And look, misunderstanding stuff happens all over the internet, not just on Reddit. So, don't be too hard on 'em. We all make mistakes sometimes.

So, let's not make fun of folks who get things mixed up. We all gotta learn, right?


Sure but I grew up under bush and conflating actual fascism with Bush jr's reign of idiocy is kind of laughable. Yeah christian theologians are unwitting facists if they take their ideology to the extreme, but,the actual US Government just cannot be conflated with fascism and, again, Fascism in the united states would be un precidented. There would be no historical narrative for it because we have never been through something like that. The united states is much more powerful than many fascist countries that have existed in the past, so, I am gonna say the US going full goose stepping boots on the ground fascist? Probably not something we want to be instigating. The idiots who think that this will magically lead to communism have just given no serious though or credence to what they are proposing.


<AI content detected

that post you replied to, is either a AI-prompter, ie a real human using an AI, or it could be a bot that has no clue what you talking about, and just generates a string of words based on brute force statistical correlation. I'm not sure if it's wise to reply to these posts.

>Sure but I grew up under bush and conflating actual fascism with Bush jr's reign of idiocy is kind of laughable.

The neocons like Bush are not fascists, but they might be the progenitor of fascism, their attacks on civil liberties are very ominous.

>Yeah christian theologians are unwitting facists if they take their ideology to the extreme

You share this view with Chris Hedges, he wrote a book about the christian-right potentially being mobilized by fascism. It's a possibility, but potential fascism in the 21st century could wear a different hat, even woke-fascism is not impossible.

>There would be no historical narrative for it because we have never been through something like that. The united states is much more powerful than many fascist countries that have existed in the past, so, I am gonna say the US going full goose stepping boots on the ground fascist? Probably not something we want to be instigating.

Remember that Fascism is capitalism in decay, 20th century fascism in Europe came when capitalism entered a potentially terminal crisis. The US is an empire and it has an imperial finance bourgeoisie. The US empire is also in decline, and that means that this imperial finance bourgeoisie will see it's power waning, and they will want to use the US military to get it back with brute force hard power. That's the class-basis for potential American fascism. However It is not set in stone, US imperial structures could wither away while US internal peaceful institutional structures regrow to displace it, so "Imperial-Exit" doesn't have to be a explosion of fascist violence. As far as strength goes, by the time US-fascism would have degenerated into an open-dictatorship of the reactionary imperial finance bourgeoisie, it would no longer be the same juggernaut it is today.

>The idiots who think that this will magically lead to communism have just given no serious though or credence to what they are proposing.

All fascism seems to be a kind of national suicide, so in that sense US fascism would not lead to communism in the US, acceleration-ism is a type of idiocy indeed.

However communist resurgence in the rest of the World would be the result. The US destroying it self via fascism would spell the end of pretty much all the vassal regimes that the US maintains, and their activities to suppress communism would cease too. Hence a historic window of opportunity for many countries to have communist revolutions would open up. It's also somewhat likely that a Fascist US would start a war with China, which it would loose because China has 3x the industrial capacity. China would be forced to change it's mixed economy into a command economy to sustain war-production. After that war, the institutional momentum would likely propel them into becoming a fully planned cybernetic socialist economy. They would not repeat the political and economic mistakes the Soviets made, and unlike the computationally limited USSR, they would have the abundant computer-power to make that work like a really well oiled machine. So WW3 would definitely speed up China's transition to full socialism, but it's likely that half the world would be destroyed also. The slow path is definitely preferable.


This is a made up class that urbanite rich Hipster white people made up to deflect from the real settler class they occupy.
Organizing production doesn't put you in a different class unless you own it.


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Okay guys let's get this thread back on topic.
Is Trump's installment and normalization of work from home the greatest triumph in labor in the past 50 years.
I seriously can't think of something else that's helped more workers since then.
How'd this genius know this is what would happen, how did this man, who spent his entire life gaining the trust of the real estate booj, pull off one of the greatest backstabbing in history. How'd he maintain his cover for nearly his whole life?


maybe you quoted the wrong post ?

Also that AI-text-generator talking like a wild-west bartender is ridicules.


Mouth breather take from a do-nothing virtue signaller


>Settler class
>But PMC isn't real
You really are dim


It really wasn't though.
As was previously stated it mostly applied to desk jockies and office fags. Industrial laborers, the back bone of society, simply cannot work from home.

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