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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Jogger loot Philly stores of iphones to feed their families. Where does this realistically end?

I'd presuppose some sort of dystopian security state in which resources are allocated based on rank, not the vague workers power that leftists have shown no competence in building (and lol, most leftists are neets or low skilled service workers anyways).

For Amazon, the money printer goes brrr.


It ends with retailers being in anal slavery from the online platforms. Those temporary embarrassed millionaires are already starting to go on """strikes""" lol. Capitalists, my ass.


No reason to leave your pod when everything can be delivered to you by a robot. Are you happy yet?


>It ends with retailers being in anal slavery from the online platforms
Except the same doctors and engineers who loot stores are also looting delivery vans.

>Those temporary embarrassed millionaires are already starting to go on """strikes""" lol.

If the state won't protect citizens from crime and also won't allow citizens to protect themselves then anybody with enough capital is just going to leave. And anybody left behind is going to be even more desperately poor that before assuming you ever actually cared about the poor.

>I'd presuppose some sort of dystopian security state in which resources are allocated based on rank
Keep in mind the only reason the poor are tolerated in western democracies is because they are the easiest voters to manipulate. Once you cross the authoritarian threshold there is no longer any reason to keep useless eaters alive through welfare spending.


Welcome newfag. Good points


4 tiered emergent class system:

-Dependent 'citizens' given a UBI
-Loyalista workers involved in security and state services
-Techno-management middle class
-Oligarchs who zip around the world on private jets, plotting their next moves, and lecturing everyone else about carbon footprints


>lecturing everyone else about carbon footprints
Arguably the point of the global cooling global warming climate change agenda is to demobilize the masses so when you home falls under tyranny you can't just hop in your car and leave.


>Except the same doctors and engineers who loot stores are also looting delivery vans.
Even if this is true.
A drop in the bucket, I can wait another day or two.

>If the state won't protect citizens from crime

Nah, no protection for petty booj. Also they looted the city center where all the big retailers usually are like Apple lol. Unfathomably Based.

>then anybody with enough capital is just going to leave

I agree, all bougies should fuck off to Alpha Centauri and take their stonks with them lol. We should write them a one-way ticket.

>And anybody left behind is going to be even more desperately poor that before

People that are left behind are getting poorer either way.

>Keep in mind the only reason the poor are tolerated in western democracies is because they are the easiest voters to manipulate.

They are tolerated because they are the reserve army that puts downward pressure on wages.

Hello ogrefugee. You might've missed something - that's our resident poltard. He's a veteran of the board.


>A drop in the bucket, I can wait another day or two.
You need to think more than one step ahead. You loot the stores so the stores close. You loot the delivery vans so they stop delivering. Now what? Are you going to go into the forest and throw rocks at rabbits.

>I agree, all bougies should fuck off to Alpha Centauri and take their stonks with them lol.

A smart lady wrote a book about exactly that it's called Atlas Shrugged.

>They are tolerated because they are the reserve army that puts downward pressure on wages.

I'm not talking about low skilled workers with low economic output I'm talking about non-workers with zero economic output. You pretend there is no difference because you're an unemployed loser and think you can smuggle yourself into a workers movement without being a worker and nobody will notice.


>Jogger loot Philly stores of iphones to feed their families.
So the families, of people who like to run for recreational sports activities, eat electronic gadgets ? Most unusual.

>I'd presuppose some sort of dystopian security state in which resources are allocated based on rank

what do you mean "pre-suppose" ? the present looks pretty dystopian already

>the vague workers power that leftists have shown no competence in building

The problem with building worker power in the imperial core is that the imperial bourgeoisie is able to exploit workers in the periphery. That reduces the leverage that the workers in the core can have. The empire is slowly declining tho and that means that the ability of the imperial bourgeoisie to out-leverage the workers is slowly declining as well.

>For Amazon, the money printer goes brrr.

Amazon is a large monopolist, that is of course trying to destroy the competition from small shops. That is what's killing them. Not those people that eat electronics and like to run.

If you wish to save the small shops, you need to create a federated version of Amazon's online store, where every small shop hosts their own online-shop instance that also talks to all the other instances in the federated system. Allowing customers to easily find any good within the entire small shop federation. The small shop federation should also try to rebrand all the goods they offer, because that would inhibit Amazon's anti-competitive praxis of selling certain goods at a loss to kill of the competition.


private jet ghonestly creates less polution than all plebs' aircrafts (caring iphones or something)


>Arguably the point of climate change agenda is to demobilize the masses so when you home falls under tyranny you can't just hop in your car and leave.

You are correct in that there definitely is a widening division in mobility. The mobility of the masses is shrinking. However if you cared about reducing climate change, you would get rid of the private jets that the big porkies use long before you start doing away with cars. Also cars are not a good means to "hop out" of tyranny. RVs on the one hand and light-weight motorbikes on the other hand are much better suited for this kind of travel. Cars are suited best for driving to work and back home again.

Also cars are privacy violation devices now. If you're running away from tyranny. Maybe taking all those tracking and spy devices with you, isn't the best idea.

It’s Official: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy

<Ah, the wind in your hair, the open road ahead, and not a care in the world… except all the trackers, cameras, microphones, and sensors capturing your every move. Ugh. Modern cars are a privacy nightmare.



>if you cared about reducing climate change you would get rid of the private jets that the big porkies use long before you start doing away with cars
What if, and I'm going to blow your mind here, what if the porkies who own the media and fund all the think tanks and universities, what is they are the one who made up all this global warming stuff in the first place.


>private jet ghonestly creates less polution
Private jets have the worst climate pollution statistic of all means of transport. The per passenger fuel burn + various climate-externalities is outrageously high. The only thing worse would be using chemical rockets.

If you want to argue for reducing consumption for the sake of the climate, you number one priority is reducing war, and your second priority is doing away with the life-style of the super-wealthy, long before you would touch anything the masses do.

While there could be arguments to apply climate austerity to the projects of the war-mongerers and the super-wealthy. It's illegitimate to impose it on the masses, because the consumption of the masses can have it's climate foot print improved via investment into new productive forces.


>Private jets have the worst climate pollution statistic of all means of transport.
That's incorrect, military jets with afterburners are an order of magnitude worse than passenger jets. Don't you dare question the military industrial complex though slava ukraini.


But that's wrong. Capitalists of the oil and energy industry are the biggest funders of the anti climate change movement and anti-environment policies. The Koch brothers practically invented the movement. And they regularly decry climate change as a fabrication by the left.


Climate change is not made up, but a lot of the "official discourse" around it is indeed bullshit.

green-neoliberalism is of course trying really hard to co-op the climate topic to argue for attacking the living standards of the masses. That is of course illegitimate. You should retaliate and attack the life-style of the super-wealthy, they have a huge climate foot prints, they can't win the game of climate-sinner finger-pointing.

The correct political conclusion one has to draw from the climate change problem, is that we need to remake the productive base to be very clean. Something we should be doing anyway, because even if pollution wasn't threatening, it would still be disgusting.

So a lot of old productive machine capital would become depreciated, and there needs to be a lot of investment into new industrial production. Which is not that bad, it will mean lots of good quality employment for workers who build it. If the private sector does not invest into that, then it will have to be the public sector that does it.


super wealthy are 1% they by definition create less polution


theyir businesses on the other hand..


>That's incorrect, military jets with afterburners are an order of magnitude worse than passenger jets.
I stand corrected, there seem to be converted fighter-jets (weapon-systems removed) that are being used by civilians for transport. Which is kinda insane.

>Don't you dare question the military industrial complex

I was comparing civilian modes of transports. But you are correct it should not be omitted that the US military is the largest climate polluter on the planet.


>Capitalists of the oil and energy industry are the biggest funders of the anti climate change movement and anti-environment policies.
What "anti climate change movement"? You literally get fired from your corporate job and censored for all mainstream websites if you don't affirm the global warming narrative. Every politician and corporate media platform talks about nothing else but how global warming is real.

If capitalists are anti climate change then clearly capitalists have zero power in the current regime.

>Climate change is not made up
I don't understand how leftists can get all of their talking points from billionaire controlled media and still think they are going to eat the rich. All you eat is their propaganda.

>even if pollution wasn't threatening, it would still be disgusting.

CO2 is not pollution it is literally plantfood.


You made the mistake of assuming I read your whole post before responding.

>the US military is the largest climate polluter on the planet

Yes, if you want to poke the billionaire class in the eye and make your imaginary CO2 gods happy then being anti-war should be your first priority.


>super wealthy are 1% they by definition create less polution
You have to compare on a per-person basis. A typical super-wealthy has a horrendously bad climate foot print.

But in absolute terms they are also producing a lot of climate pollution despite being a tiny minority. The ultra luxury sectors and their externalities are causing a lot of pollution. It's by no means negligible, and it's growing.

You also have to add the opportunity cost, the super-wealthy are blocking green technology from being implemented because they would prefer to make profits of their existing non-green machine-capital. That also goes on their "climate tab".

If we are talking about reducing consumption, we have to begin with the super-wealthy and military before we touch anybody else's consumption. Only the most reactionary shills would disagree with this assessment.


even if the rich guy buys 10 light bulbs he still pollutes less than city with 10000 poorfags


>I don't understand how leftists can get all of their talking points from billionaire controlled media
I'm not doing that. I do understand that the mainstream explanation for climate change is not solid, that climate models are strictly speaking not falsifiable evidence. I understand the objection. Climate models are intended to make estimations about the future, and it's dishonest to claim that they are proofs.

Check out Paul Cockshott's video on climate change. He does not use any of the usual climate change talking points like climate models. He proves it purely on the basis of physics.


this is why malthus was sort of right, it is about absolute numbers


>even if the rich guy buys 10 light bulbs he still pollutes less than city with 10000 poorfags
It's just a dishonest debate tactic to compare 1 person to 10000 people. You can only compare like with like, 1 person to 1 other person.

The bazillionaire luxury pollution from having 200 villas, 3 private jets, yachts and so on, is immensely more polluting than the consumption of a "poorfag". So if you are going to go after consumption you start with the big polluters. And that's the super rich.


This is like saying you know the way the catholic church explains god is bullshit and self serving but god still exists. Get a clue already.


>CO2 is not pollution it is literally plantfood.
Yeah i guess plants will be fine.

But it is bad from a human perspective. If you increase the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, plants produce less nutrients, and more fibrous materials that humans can't use for sustenance.

If temperatures increase that means that humans might shrink because smaller bodies have more relative surface area and cool more easily, meaning that dwarfism could become more common. There was a warm-period in the middle ages and that saw a drastic increase in dwarfism. It might even have been what inspired the fantasy stories about dwarfs originally.


>this is why malthus was sort of right
Malthus was proven wrong by industrial society by 1800. The growing spoils from technology enhanced productivity could increase the living standards of the individual and at the same time increase the carrying capacity of earth.
We could build lots of nuclear power (fission or fusion) and use that energy to do both raising the living standards of the masses and begin sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere.

>it is about absolute numbers

Super-rich are responsible for massive pollution in absolute numbers too.
If you open the door to attacking consumption they are first in line, as well as the military.


>Yes, if you want to poke the billionaire class
I'm mad about the lack of investment into more and newer productive forces. Pollution is not my only complaint. In the first world productivity growth has been stalled for almost 15 years. And the reason is because the super-wealthy are engaging in an investment strike, they not investing in better productive forces. They're stomping the breaks for the economy with both feet.


I just told you, big oil and energy like Koch Industries, Chevron, Exxon, BP, Shell, the American Petroleum Institute, etc. have been denying climate change for many decades and lobbying against climate legislation that would cut down their profits. They would rather ruin the planet than make less money.


>the super-wealthy are engaging in an investment strike
It's more like ever since leaving the gold standard parasites in the banking sector are draining wealth from society by printing fake money and spending it which causes inflation for everybody else. But of course you are a good marxist so you need to pretend the banks are on your side and blame something else.

>They're stomping the breaks for the economy with both feet

It's almost as if some powerful interest group is deliberately sabotaging western democracies for some reason. That's a different topic though.


>big oil and energy have been denying climate change for many decades
My dude you are living in a fantasy world. All corporations are in this together.

>lobbying against climate legislation that would cut down their profits

Almost all proposed global warming legislation increases their profits. Bullshit like windmills and solar panels are so expensive and intermittent they guarantee more fossil fuel usage. Carbon credits are just a way for them to extract less oil from the ground and earn more more from it.


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>the problem is, the bad capitalists won over the good capitalists.
Maybe capitalism is broken if the bad guys win.

Why not build a system with the correct structure, that incentivizes the beneficial trends rather than the detrimental trends.


>Itt idealism


That poster never said climate change is bullshit, they said mainstream media is bullshit.


>if the bad guys ever win that means your politics is invalid
Do you want to count how many socialist countries have been subverted and overthrown or do you want to come up with a better argument? I'll make helicopter noises while you're thinking


>That poster never said climate change is bullshit, they said mainstream media is bullshit.
Yes and the billionaires who own mainstream media invented climate change. You've disavowed the church but you still believe in god for some reason.


Climates always change


Buddy if we go by corporate narratives all companies are wonderful. PR departments can make all the climate promises they want, if they're not denying it outright their tactics consist in blocking or delaying legislation as much as possible. Meanwhile what really goes in practice is millionaire lobbying, lawsuits, enviromental damage, human damage and media/disinfo campaigns. Pretending the denial agenda doesn't exist is ridiculous.


>PR departments can make all the climate promises they want
You said they're denying it. They're sure as shit not denying it. And if corpos run everything then who is forcing them to make these climate promises? In your model of the world these oil companies would have webpages saying "here's the science for why global warming isn't real…".

And don't forget the corporate media and big tech forcing global warming propaganda down everybody's throats with every news article and television show they put out. And mocking or censoring any "climate deniers" they can find. How do you explain that?

As already stated, go and tell your boss that global warming is bullshit. Will you get a raise or will you get fired? Spoiler alert, you'll get fired.

No matter how you look at this corporations and billionaires are not anti climate change they are the ones pushing the hardest.


>Do you want to count how many socialist countries have been subverted and overthrown or do you want to come up with a better argument?
You're correct to point that out, and you can find material analysis about the problems of past socialist systems and new solutions how to fix it.

What makes you think that going back to the gold standard, won't play out exactly the same as last time. They figured out how to circumvent that mechanism, you need a new trick.


>opens thread with a tweet from some guy called Wall Street Silver as its entire basis
For fucks' sake read a fucking book.


Why don't YOU read the book and explain it to us?


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I didn't say the gold standard is a perfect that can never be overthrown. That's just you projecting your utopian binary thinking.

I said the end of the gold standard marks a very precise point in time where collective economic wealth started collapsing. So where >>474871 says the rich are on an "investment strike", I'm saying they have nothing to invest because the value of fiat money has become so detached from real world resources.


Alright, I'll start for ya.

It's not "vague workers' power," it's unionization, and there's been some progress but not nearly as much as there should be. Worker power has to be taken through collective bargaining; that's not an abstract, it's an organized counter to the kind of organization which capitalists already do within their own class. This is workers' power.

Most leftists aren't neets (most people are employed, including the majority of leftists; there is nothing to support the idea of most leftists being neets, it's something you pulled out of your ass), although neets are over-represented among imageboard users. "Low skilled service workers" isn't a comparable designation; you're just talking about a big chunk of the urban workforce in financialized capitalism. Work isn't some sort of moral obligation, it's a thing which you do for money; when there are few factory jobs, you take what's available.

Most physical stores, restaurants, venues, etc. are hit harder by commercial rents than robbery. There are exceptions, but this tends to be a bigger deadweight expense than anything else - before a small business owner pays workers, before they purchase goods, before they cover damages, they must pay a landlord. This is why a lot of stores close in major cities and then the building sits vacant for years. It's not that the location isn't desirable; a lot of these locations are extremely desirable, so speculators sit on them, they charge massive amounts to use the spaces. It literally sucks commerce out of cities, and then as the commerce disappears, the jobs shrivel up, and the sites fester… then comes the kind of crime that people notice.


>Worker power has to be taken through collective bargaining
Refusing to work until you get paid more is fine but if an employer refused to pay you until you work more that would be considered immoral or something.

>Most leftists aren't neets

The people who unironically support forced wealth distribution are those who don't have much to lose in the first place. That's why your movement attracts so many losers and NEETs. If you actually worked hard for years and bought your own house you wouldn't be so quick to share it with unemployed crybabies.

>it's something you pulled out of your ass

Wait who are you even responding to?

>then comes the kind of crime that people notice

Except the recent crime waves are only happening in blue cities that defunded the police and decriminalized petty theft after BLM.


> that defunded the police and decriminalized petty theft



>Refusing to work until you get paid more is fine but if an employer refused to pay you until you work more that would be considered immoral or something.
Employers already do that.

>The people who unironically support forced wealth distribution

Most workers don't have a great choice in what portion they receive from the profits their labor generates - the state protects someone else's right to have an outsized say in how this wealth is distributed. Capitalists support it.

Infrastructure paid for by the public purse is sold off to private enterprises who then charge the public again for the privilege of using it - capitalists largely support it, although some of them take different stances on just how this stuff should be handled.

Good land is sold cheap in sweetheart deals to developers who then make a killing off of the land whose value is created largely by others' contributions to location value, and which is secured by the (publicly paid for) state. Is that the left's fault?

People get up every day and they decide to make decisions which redistribute wealth. The only difference is they redistribute it upwards, and the people on the bottom pay for it.

>Wait who are you even responding to?

The OP. ;P

>Except the recent crime waves are only happening in blue cities that defunded the police and decriminalized petty theft after BLM.

You're right, cities which vote for Democrats would never have economic stagnation and deadweight real estate speculation.
For your sake, please bother thinking instead of just repeating talking points you got off of twitter.

I'm genuinely curious, now - because I'm looking at a couple recent lists of the most violent cities in the country. I'm completely open to the idea that cities such as Indianapolis, Dayton Ohio, Baltimore MD, Cleveland Ohio, Kansas City MO, have done this - so have they? How about Detroit? These aren't rhetorical questions; if you've got numbers of of increase or decrease and overall budget, it would be interesting to see them.


This has more to do with Ronald Regan breaking up unions than the fuking gold standard, kek.


More like
>virtue signal on social media about defending the police
>Get raped and murdered
Based, I agree


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>She was just trying to feed herself(Go back to pol.)


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>Cops steal twice as much as burglars.
>Employers steal twice as much as burglars via wage theft.
>B-b-b-bbut black people
You have to go back 4chan.org/pol/


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El Salvador figured out how to get crime under control


cringe because capitalists are doing it


>Things in the real world are cringe. Based is my drug addled imagination
Itt: idealism


…strong men create good times


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>sorry sweetie. They need that car to get to their engineering school entrance exam and/or feed their family


I wonder how much you're getting paid for this.



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