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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1694851728947.jpg ( 90.56 KB , 680x510 , 1694503648476.jpg )


Is the dprk making anime REAL?
Knowing the power of anime, to prevent the wae nom imperialist to conquer the world with it, instead to potentially conquer ilbo with it, the worker's party has decided to unleash the aesthetic of anime in the real world.
Some proofs:


File: 1694851829924.png ( 1.25 MB , 900x600 , mechas.png )



File: 1694851938506.jpg ( 179.57 KB , 900x520 , isekai.jpg )



File: 1694852267475.png ( 154.64 KB , 241x465 , mahoushoujo.png )

mahou shoujo


File: 1694853986822.jpg ( 129 KB , 900x596 , studentcouncil.jpg )

The student council


Based thread but how do we get nk anons on here?


I remember catching part of a broadcast of NK tv, and their cartoons are surprisingly alright.


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student council president


File: 1694951344943.png ( 1.15 MB , 900x600 , idols.png )

idol groups


File: 1694951504486.png ( 1.01 MB , 900x600 , tenkosei.png )

transferred student


File: 1695033538347.jpg ( 89.78 KB , 822x535 , cgdct.jpg )

cute girls doing cute things


File: 1695033703774.jpg ( 1.19 MB , 4096x2726 , bijutsubu.jpg )

the art club


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>their cartoons are surprisingly alright.
why surprisingly?


File: 1695834861652.png ( 313.18 KB , 951x448 , shonen.png )



File: 1695834936140.png ( 435.06 KB , 948x457 , shojo.png )



They are known to make furry content using kidnapped animators from the Beastars series.

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