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Random Thoughts on Happiness and Unhappiness

>quick aside about pic related

why do …they… try to gaslight westerners into believing that they are so happy. it's obvious that's not the case. Opioid and antidepressant use has been on the rise. along with suicides, homelessness, etc.

Is it part of a larger fake and ghey Truman Show-esque programming - one which goes in all sort of directions (Trump tried to become fashist dictator blah blah, look, aliens!, etc).

<what makes America such a spiritual shithole and terrible place to live, especially if you're in a city?

1) not just capitalism

The midwits will say something about capitalism in general. This dull and unoriginal belief ignores the obvious fact that every country is capitalist, and capitalism is fairly old with respect to conditions today

They then point to fake and ghey stats similar to pic related, citing countries like Norway and New Zealand. They mention social programs. These same countries are also pointed to by white supremacists as examples of countries where ethnically homogeneous white states have better outcomes for individuals. Ironically (?), Israel - a social imperialist settler state - also ranks high on expertly supplied stats comparing happiness globally.

So perhaps capitalism isn't the cause of unhappiness, nor would introducing social programs or curbs on ethic diversity necessarily increase happiness.

2) Different cultures define or prioritize happiness differently.

At this point, it's worth noting that different cultures may define happiness differently. More likely, they prioritize it differently. In the collectivist eastern societies the westerners either disparage or fetishize, there is less concern for personal happiness and more on fulfilling familial and local community obligations. (If you think western consumerism is bad, you should see what it looks like not just with social competition but also social obligation).

In America, however, there seems to be an obsession with happiness. This is retarded, simply for the fact that happiness is a feeling, which is necessarily fleeting. At best, you can hope for a mood positive during
more moments during the day.

>"You will own nothing and be happy"

This much maligned phrase is interesting not because of the 'own nothing' part, but because of the 'be happy' part.

It could have said anything, 'You will own nothing, and be remembered.' 'Be powerful.' 'Be loved.' Etc. Happiness was chosen because it's such a ubiquitous value of what we ought to principally pursuit. It's surpassed liberty (and maybe life) in Burgerstan.

There is a sort of fixation on happiness in the West, which may itself lend itself towards unhappiness

But there's probably something more:

3) Liberalism and post modernism transformed into moral urgency and anxiety.

Ideas have a profound impact on our reality, especially when those ideas deviant too far from reality. The basic definition of stress is when something doesn't go according to plan/expectation and events feel threatening and outside of one's control.

Ideas can impact us in other ways, both directly and indirectly.

Directly, it's fairly common sense that ruminating on negative thoughts and ideas can lead to negative emotions (this is probably why many Slavic/Balkin countries rank lower in happiness).

Indirectly, ideas given life via policy and culture can transform the environment in a manner more or less congenial to personal well being.
This is, of course, dialectical - ideas effect affect, and affect effects ideas.

what sort of ideas dominate the West?

There we find a legacy of classical liberalism, more recently implanted with post modernism, and within the past few decades the development of generalized moral anxiety and sense of urgency.

Perhaps this sort of emergent post secularism is the key to why Burgerland is an emotional and social trainwreck atm

4) But perhaps there is another, more basic explanation, one that is purely physical.

Let's take a look at the stereotypical burgerhusk:

>Intergenerational obesity

>Still nutrient deficient
>Eats GMO food, bleached and brominated flour, every day.
>Fried food
>Processed food
>Hormone disruptors in ground water
>Hormone disruptors in receipts
>If female, possibly taking hormone disruptors willingly to prevent pregnancy
>Sprayed with weather modification chemicals via chemtrails, can't eat snow
>Plastic in everything. Bottles, dishes, clothes and underwear
>Bombarded with electromagnetic signals, 5g, etc
>Bombarded with blue streetlamps at night
>Almost no exercise, little sunshine

Admittedly, all of these could be fixed with a sort of socialism…

6) No single explanation

Perhaps none of these explanations is alone sufficient. Instead, perhaps it's all of the above.


Amerikwa is a shithole because it's a capitalist ethnic jungle, increasingly governed by a technocratic matrix that commands you to be happy, with a post liberal, post post modern culture of moral witch-hunting, in which the standard individual is hobbled physiologically and kinesthetically.


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Much better map IMO


Kek, third worldist want to liberate people from not killing themselves



A bunch of 3rd world countries are still doing better than the US, Canada, and Australia according to this.


>This dull and unoriginal belief ignores the obvious fact that every country is capitalist,

NK and Cuba aren't really. Not full-on yet, anyway.

>They then point to fake and ghey stats similar to pic related, citing countries like Norway and New Zealand. They mention social programs. These same countries are also pointed to by white supremacists as examples of countries where ethnically homogeneous white states have better outcomes for individuals. Ironically (?), Israel - a social imperialist settler state - also ranks high on expertly supplied stats comparing happiness globally.

>So perhaps capitalism isn't the cause of unhappiness, nor would introducing social programs or curbs on ethic diversity necessarily increase happiness.

You're ignoring the fact that Israel actually has better social programs than the US. Israel has universal healthcare.

>Directly, it's fairly common sense that ruminating on negative thoughts and ideas can lead to negative emotions (this is probably why many Slavic/Balkin countries rank lower in happiness).

This is sort of a chicken-and-egg thing, and I don't think saying "the Slavs are sad because they're morbid" is really a very good analysis. Eastern Europe is generally the poorest part of Europe, and after the fall of the Soviet bloc there's been a great deal of corruption and violence for a long time.


I'ma be honest with you, this seems like you're trying to make excuses for a lot of things, eventho some of the criticisms you make aren't wrong. "Post-modernity" was a mistake.

Some of the things you say are retarded, new wireless technology for cell-phone communications won't make you unhappy because you're exposed to a fraction of a micro-watt worth of electromagnetic radiation. It's still lacking decent privacy protections, which is really annoying. You might get a spiritual benefit from being out-side the panopticon observation grid. Consider that we could have communication technology that doesn't track you, the tracking bits are extra stuff that's tacked on, it's not necessary for the communication function.

People feel spiritually empty, existential dread and unhappy because class-society steals their surplus.
If you don't want to feel that you need to axe class society. I will point out this won't make you happy. But at least it'll get you back to a neutral mood.


Not trying to detail the thread but why cling to spiritualism? Spirituality is the ultimate cope in a capitalist society.


> why do …they… try to gaslight westerners into believing that they are so happy. it's obvious that's not the case. Opioid and antidepressant use has been on the rise. along with suicides, homelessness, etc.
Easy. Psychology is a bourgeoisie ideology and now effectively part of its institutions, specifically its institutions of social peace. Everything is made to stem from that and lead to that


>why cling to spiritualism?
I don't think anybody uses that in the original sense of the word, as being inhabited by spirits. It's more of a generic phrase that references brain states. There aren't any materialist terms yet. Neurology hasn't progressed that far.


To expand, it’s literally the exact same notion as Christian nations portraying themselves as enlightened and “civilized” despite the barbaric and backwards conditions of feudalism, namely tsarist Russia. Nations who did not engage in Christianity were deemed savage or “in development”. It is exactly the same case with psychology today. Any nation that does not base itself on the theories of western psychology is considered not progressive enough or just flat out totalitarian.institutions for social peace have always existed I feel like, and sorel was right that the state has refined it into something that directly benefits the classes, when prior to the state it was more integral to maintaining a reality. I feel like this needs to be a huge aspect that needs to be added in Marxism.


who ?




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Based reply


>Psychology is a bourgeoisie ideology
>muh kike physics
>science is the tool of the kike world ordnung to dunk on me
>psychos the rapists who directly challenged the present status quo from the position of anti-cumformistic human psychology must be planted opposition from the jewish glowing uyghurs
Leftardoids (left capitalists with welfare characteristics) just can't stop to amaze!

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