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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Kermit the frog caused 9/11. In the 2002 TV film "It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie", there's a part where an angel shows Kermit an alternate reality where he was never born. For whatever reason, the editors didn't really think about it, and continued to use footage with the twin towers still standing for this scene, however they aren't there in his original universe. Therefore, something that Kermit did in his life, did in fact cause 9/11 in Muppet lore.


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>Therefore, something that Kermit did in his life, did in fact cause 9/11 in Muppet lore.
Not necessarily.
The alternate universe can have lots of differences relative to the primary universe that aren't causally linked.


nice trips


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Millennials are stunted and still living in the 00s


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us culture has never progressed past the 80s


I went all day with out even realizing what day it was.
No one at work even said anything about it.
times are a changin' I suppose.


The Canestraro declaration has some juicy stuff in it if you haven't read it yet.


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>that second one
Trying to put all the blame for Iraq on Israel is stupid actually. Bush/Cheney weren't innocent dupes. Also they ignored documents both from US intelligence and Mossad (!) warning about Al Qaeda planning another attack and iirc even naming the hijackers.








Sure it has.

In the 80s, men had high test levels and women were thin. People spent time outdoors and were proud of themselves and their communities.

Now we have low T self hating cucks and obese roasties with septum piercings who spend their time screeching about pronouns and social justice on the internet.


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eat shit faggot
post images/webm or go back to drinking horse cum


So what's the deal with that tower that was blown up on purpose with the CIA facility inside it? Was the CIA trying to cover something up, justify the construction of a new facility, or what? Why did they destroy tower 7?


I have no fucking idea. It's one of those pictures where it's just weirder whenever you look at it… I used to think, you know "oh, well the fire in the 2 buildings was probably so hot that it spread and debris hit 7 and it collapsed," but… no, it doesn't make much sense, does it? And that thing flattened, like it went down as hard as the buildings that got hit directly. Some other buildings apparently went down from direct impacts from the 2 main towers and pieces of the planes falling on them, but that one is supposed to have just totally collapsed from less. It's really odd.


It's not "odd", it's simply bullshit. Buildings of that kind don't collapse from fires.



<The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse. The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.
AKA, a controlled demolition.


Crack is based. Manic energy and motivation.

Not everyone is on downers


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I really miss when bush was out retard in chief.
Simpler times.


is 9/11 a spectacle?


How do you define a spectacle?
9/11 was brought in by very real material conditions harkening back to the cold war, but, if you mean the fall out of 9/11 and the residual ideology that fomented from it then yes.


Spectacle? No
Fake and ghey? Maybe


Did 911 end the "end of history" for the west?


Or the end of the west for history




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History never ended to begin with. History does not end. History always moves forward. The idea of the "end of history" was the ideology embedded in the United States due to being under the omnipresent eye of their capitalist overlords during the fall of the Soviet union. The United States deluded itself into believing that history was over what 9/11 was was an awakening from this phantasmagoria. 9/11 was the tipping point for the United States, imo from the heights of the 90s consumer culture to where we are today.


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This. Western culture is still stuck in 1986.
We never made any new tech or music. Only renovations of the same old shit.

DVDs came from LaserDiscs.
We had VHS up until 2006.
Punk gave way to new wave and alternative and indie.

Rap music became gangster and still is.

Techno and house still dominate.


Ummm, idk man.
We had dyke bitch girls in the 1980s and proto SJWism.

Also in the 1980s, people were growing cynical and disillusioned.

Why else was punk so popular.


"End of history" is gen idpol shit.


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>My first Fatwa
Funny, but they were Sunni


lol that's a tent-sauna, but with her grinning, that caption does make sense.


Last I heard, there was some bratty CIA/(other αβ) department th@ was getting 2 liberal in checking on some highly secretive/illegal/generally unprofitable governance stuff th@ guys from the other agencies didn't want to get out or something like th@. So basically it's another tactical 5gon erasure attack on the parts of the government which are getting 2 unruly 2 contain.
In making the point 4 their colleagues feddos didn't even bother with timing the destruction & just blasted th@ thing into a fucking freefall LMAO. It's like this was done in such a way on purpose, "look how much of a fuck we are able not 2 give, unlike you".

Wasn't there some years l8r some skyscraper in Spain th@ was burning for a whole day or even more & despite th@ never even crumbled in any way?

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