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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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How would the world be different today if the USSR had been successful at creating a laboring race of chimp-human hybrids?


Planet of the Apes but communist


My default assumption is that all the strange stories about the Soviet Union are propaganda bullshit unless proven otherwise. So why again do you think this happened ?

Monkeys and humans don't have matching chromosomes, that means you can't fertilize the egg, in either direction. Maybe it would be possible to get around this with genetic splicing or whatever, but last century that tech wasn't available. That said there still are scientists trying to create hybrids, tho they want em for organ farming. They're injecting human stem cells into monkey babies, in order to grow human organs in a monkey body, they're also trying to do this with pigs, sheep and mice. It could be that lab-grown organs will eclipse this because synthetic biology has less contamination risks and ethical concerns.

>laboring race of chimp-human hybrids

Monkeys are 1.5x stronger than humans, but they have worse endurance, so i don't really see the point. A hydraulic piston has 100.000 times the strength of a human and never gets tired.


Wtf why does he look like a human??


>why does he look like a human
he doesn't, you're getting tricked by the pants and the upright posture


File: 1693162667483.mp4 ( 4.69 MB , 720x540 , aJHqZPSrdchOcA8R.mp4 )

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