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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.472619[View All]

What are the political implications of the world's first presidential mugshot? What will happen if he's convicted?
116 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Record stuck?


How do you define a coup?


attempt to seize state institutions by an organized group with a plan

there was no organized group and no plan


also, can we please build a wall against ogrefugees already?

I can't stand their radlib whinings about "b-but he wanted to overthrow muh constitution!". I fucking wish motherfucker.

Trump is obviously not a part of the establishment, he is a part of the bourgeoisie that is marginalized in the political system. Which is why him becoming a president again would be the best case scenario - the more infighting among the ruling class, the better.


Yes there was lol. Do you know nothing about what went down in George? Trump literally tried to organize a group of fake electors to turn in fake ballots to elect him not Biden.


>Waaa I need my safe space blah blah blah free speech is fine until people disagree with me.

Maybe you would be better suited on org yourself.


> projecting this heavily
You're a clown.


butthurt ogres lol

>Trump literally tried to organize a group of fake electors to turn in fake ballots to elect him not Biden.

<election fraud is a coup
kek, I guess we have coups every 4 years then

listen here, you dumb radlib.. when I said "seize" I meant SEIZE BY THE MEANS OF VIOLENCE, not by the means of procedural manipulations - that's why I DON'T CONSIDER nazi seizure of state power as a coup for example, Hitler came to power constitutionally kek

Even Mussolini was appointed as a head of government "constitutionally" by the king lol.

October (actually November) 17 would be a classic coup if only Provisional Government wasn't a government on paper only by that point. In reality there was NOTHING to seize - the old state institutions have completely collapsed, leaving only revolutionary chaos.

I would consider De Gaulle's return to power as a coup, as the army in Africa was ready to do a Spanish civil war rehearsal with French characteristics.



how am I projecting when you're whining about muh violence muh proper parliamentary procedures lol?

why are you so afraid of chaos fag? have something to lose?


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>Fag still mad about Trump because of 'our democracy' state intelligence talking points. Lashing out desperately because the state attacks against him have only made him more popular. Worm


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>kek, I guess we have coups every 4 years then
No since Republicans losing is not election fraud


>Trump is obviously not a part of the establishment,
He's a Billionaire, he was a long time supporter of the Clinton's and long time associate of Epstein.


Trump plays his cards like a boss. Those idiots in silicon valley are seriously gonna have Trump's march on Washington or something one day if they keep this shit up.


>No since Republicans losing is not election fraud
massive smear campaigns are election fraud too lol


>He's a Billionaire
no shit sherlock

I missed a part where all billionaires are supposed to be a hivemind lol

even basic stratification based on industries would give different groups you leftoid dumbfuck


I hope they waterboard him quite frankly. Anything to rile up his base and destabilize the present state of things


>I don't know the meanings of words.
Sad! Many such cases.


tho wait, I'm not even sure he's a billionaire

he might be just a little wee multi-millionaire kek

anyway, the times of burger capitalists all living hunky-dory in a post-soyviet Pax American wonderland ended with Lehman Brothers lol

Allegiances change


>I'm a pedantic clerical rat
words are not mathematical formulas autismo

you can't take mass media out of the voting process - it's an integral part of it



The left is dead.


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Listen here you delusional faggot.
Trump is not going to sieze anything. He is a politician that serves the interests of capital. You are a pusedointellectual child incapable of critical thinking.
Actually I take that back you are closer to a religious dogmatist that anything.

Under no circumstances does a coup have to be defined by such trivially pedantic lines. Your semantical argument is retarded as are you.
Semitics are the lines draw by cowardly faggots who cannot actually argue in kind. Kill yourself you worthless fag.


you're hysterical

escalation of the intra ruling class conflicts is as good a strategy as any

Divide and Conquer - it works both ways bitch


It's not intraclass anything.
Again you are a delusional psychopath. Kill yourself please, or, at least stop being so fucking desperate and have a god damn spine.


>It's not intraclass anything.
you have no idea what you talking about hysterical leftoid

there is obviously a conflict brewing on the Mount Olympus kek


>1000 boomers larping in the capital was a political revolution lead by trump to guide the proletariat to the promised land!

Kill yourself delusional fag


>He is a politician that serves the interests of capital.
spare me your meaningless abstract ritualistic formulas dumbfuck leftoid

"THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS CONCRETE" t. some bald dude

every dumbfuck leftoid should tattoo this expression on their dumbfuck forehead

Trump is obviously worrying US establishment enough for them to escalate it into a formal prosecution. It means they couldn't come to an agreement.

Which is GOOD.


>You're historical;!!!


Kill yourself.

Do you even consider yourself a communist? Why are you here?



It's you who is foaming at the mouth at the prospect of Trump getting into office kek.


>Do you even consider yourself a communist? Why are you here?
First, to your second question: I have always been here.

Second, to your first: I'm a blackpiller.


>Oh you think that angry mob could have gotten violent just because they threatened to for months and were a part of a coordinated plan to overthrow am election. Delusional!


I like the potential Trump redemption arc which casts him as the revolutionary leader who usurps the aristocratic power of the international banking community and their oligarch corporate servants and ushers in a new era of economic progress for the working classes


To do that you do realize he has to win the general election and not just pander to retard MAGA CHUDs like you right?


Retard I don't give a shit if he's in office. Again that is just you projecting your own cuck ideology onto me and pulling your victim narrative out.
You mistake the facts for me giving a shit.
I would just prefer a dem more than a Republican. Simple as.


>I just prefer sucking penises. Simple as
You could have just said that


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>uniparty ghoul sounds the alarm that nothing they've done so far has hurt Trump with his base of support.

Remember, people with terminal TDS are despirited psyoped fags who simply repeat DNC-RINO-NeoCon talking points


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>Newton believed in alchemy. Should we believe that too?


MAGAtards are 10 times more psyoped


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did you really just post Communist Drive Trump


>Muh magatards
>I'm not psyoped, you're psyoped x 10
What a faggot


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He would have been convicted way sooner if Dems didn't think he was their golden goose to stay in power. Dems poll awful against almost every candidate except Trump.


>He would have been convicted way sooner if Dems didn't think he was their golden goose to stay in power.
Convict him of what? After 8 years of investigations and impeachments and lies and propaganda they ended up convicting him of putting a business expense in the wrong tax category. The only rational explanation at this point as to why the richest and most powerful people in the establishment hate him so much is precisely because he is so clean they have nothing to blackmail him with.

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