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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Here is a pop-sci video about Black holes that speculates about the possibility to remove the black-hole event-horizon and grant us an opportunity to study the singularity at the center of a black-hole. But for some reason they give the impression that this would unlock forbidden knowledge that unravels reality. It will take us many thousands of years until we'll be able to fuck around with black-holes, so even if there was a danger that warning will have faded away.

There seems to be an ideological sub-current that seeks to limit the bounds of scientific exploration. I'd like to understand where this is coming from.



uygha wut


There are holes in space and at the bottom of those holes is a nugget of knowledge that might unlock new physics-powers. But you can't just look into the hole, the view to the bottom is obstructed by a dark curtain. We can't climb into the hole because nothing ever comes out.

But it might be possible to pull back the curtain and sneak a peak after all. The guy in the video says pulling back the dark curtain means doom. But i don't believe him, i think he just doesn't wants us to look. And i wonder why.


Technology will solve it! the channel


Technology could probably solve almost all of our problems, eventually. If we made technology for solving problems rather than technology for profit, that is.


nah, I don't buy it

too many technoutopist boys crying wolfs tbh

I still remember some retarded Heinlein book about a dude waking up from cryosleep in 2000 where everyone has flying cars and personal robots.


Every modern problem is the result of trying to solve an earlier problem


>If we made technology for solving problems
Their hidden point is that the system which led us to this ongoing ecological disaster is okay, we just need to invest into new tech-shit & after that we could continue to cumsoom @ the same rate we always did & maybe, hopefully, even more so.


File: 1692553067157.jpg ( 135.63 KB , 682x1023 , green stalism.jpg )

It's techno-utopist to think that capitalism will use technology to create a better world. But it's un-realistic techno-doommerism to think that tech can't be used in that way in a different economic system.

>Every modern problem is the result of trying to solve an earlier problem
Wrong, many problems aren't the result of previous problem-solving attempts. Also it's not a bad thing to stack technology, because it's very possible to work out all the bugs eventually.

>Their hidden point is that the system which led us to this ongoing ecological disaster is okay, we just need to invest into new tech-shit & after that we could continue to cumsoom @ the same rate we always did & maybe, hopefully, even more so.
You are disseminating green austerity propaganda, which is even worse ruling ideology. The hidden point in your statement is that you shill to cut consumption for the masses in order to preserve the current system in a way that it allows the ruling class to continue their consumption.

If you talk about reducing consumption, you have to focus on reducing the consumption of the super-rich to the level of what proles get first. If you are not putting that front and center you're just a hypocrite that shills for the ruling class interests. You aren't advocating for protecting the environment, you are advocating to destroy the environment on behalf of the super-rich instead of the masses.

If we ended the class system, we could build technology that benefits primarily the masses, and we could make it compatible with the biosphere too. It would eventually become possible to increase the consumption for the masses.

Making eco-friendly technology isn't a problem. For every existing dirty-tech there are a dozen clean-tech alternatives. There is even negative-pollution technology that actively contributes to the thriving of earths biomass. It's just that the super-rich don't want to invest in that. Because they think their vast wealth insulates them from environmental consequences. To them the environmental problems are just a convenient scape-goat to attack the material conditions of the masses. All the opportunists and political careerists that shill for green austerity are actively harming the cause for environmental protection, because people can tell that it's directed against their interests and because of that they reject it.

There is a real criticism of consumerism you could make instead, like the tendency to build crap that doesn't last and can't be repaired. That leads to an increase in consumption without an increase in living conditions.

Unlike the super-rich that won't really do anything about eco-problems, because they think that they can retreat into a wealth bubble if the shit hits the fan, the masses actually have an interest in fixing the environment. But you'll never reach them if you attack their material interests.

Other than pointing the finger at the consumption of the super-rich, you could also reduce your massive hypocrite-score if you focused on the environmental foot print of imperial militarism like what they call "great power competition". The massive global military presence of the US empire is the single largest greenhouse gas emitter/polluter on the planet.

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