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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Which burger dark horse outsider presidential candidate are you stanning this election cycle, and why is it pic related?


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poobros, i kneel


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Literally who?


>invade Mexico, crush unions, enact mass-firings, and privatize the FBI

Literal garbage.


Literally based, but a bit small scale in vision imo


still waiting for "Kanye West to run" headline news


gurujat pls do he needful


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Why would you shill this retard?
Trying to be edgy?


Doesn't your mom have chicken fingers waiting for you in the kitchen. Go there and let the grown ups talk


>functionally retarded tech bro thinks he can fix everything
The only worse candidate than this motherfucker would be if Musk was allowed to run. Chris Christie will always be my pick because his fat is hilarious.


>Functionally retarded


I work a full time job and live on my own. Projecting there?


Let's get that participation trophy for you


>Still not answering why he is bothering shilling for this literal who. What could this man possibly do other that what >>472376 pointed out and I hope self described leftists aren't supporting such insanity.


Literally who is this Vivek asshole? It's like they picked a name out of a hat and thought they could engineer the Hindu trifecta with Sunak in UK and whatever asshole they find in Canada.

You're all idiots for going along with it. The guy is just announcing talking points and the retards respond to their trigger phrases. It shows how informationless and pointless the right as a force is in this world.


Anyway if you actually think this "election" is anything other than a joke, you're an idiot. At this point, it is completely done - they're not even pretending that this is real.

If I were to speculate which of the faces they would like to actually run the country, they really like the Bootygay CIA angle, and the guy is lurking ominously as a thing. He had a damn cult - it was some weird shit around him back in 2020. If I were to pick what sort of person comes out on top of an all-out brawl it would be someone like that.


It's pretty clear they do not need the "electoral right" and they're demolishing it from within with this sorry clown show. Trump will win anyway. It's not a matter of genuine support. The Republican Party is a bloated carcass. It lurched on as a vehicle of the Bush dynasty and that was all that remained of it.


It's pretty clear 2016 was the display of the planned demolition of the American political system - an "outsider year" discredited the ruling parties and the apparatus that had ruled up to then, and Barry Obama sits cool and collected and tells us he will curate our news from now on. Pretty clear where this leads.


>Dorks mad because they've been at the leftist thing for years and are nowhere closer to their professed goals


I'm not sure but I just want John Kasich to lose again.


It's all based on feels. None of it has any remote bearing in reality. Just slop to feed the piggies and get them riled up for whatever manufacturered cause the Republican party can concoct next.


Dude is obviously gay as fuck. Like, come on.

I'm going to laugh if he's running again.


I don't normally insinuate about politicians' sexual proclivities, even if it seems just, but the guy was pretty much flaming and hinted that he's into that and it's a-okay. I have a sense for these things and he had the crying Republican boy on stage and gave him a hug, then offered to "meet later".
I wouldn't hold it against him, but that sort of thing is something sex-addled conservatives pick up on very quickly. He's dead on arrival and has no business running. So far as he has a purpose, he's there to convince really old people that the 90s never ended, because that's when they tuned out.


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Can someone explain to me why burger cuckservatives are soyfacing so hard over this pajeet?


The shill money came in and they got their line.


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No wonder every media outlet smears this guy so hard. He names names


Shame he's a Zioncuck.


Never understood the attempts by politicians to cozy up to Israel. As a friend/ally, they're about as trustworthy as the US itself.


Cornel West


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