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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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It is illegal to reject your state mafia protection by denouncing its citizenship that was brought upon you without your consent.

You can't even free yourself from a forced patronage of @ least one UN-approved government. This whole world is a marketplace made out of concentration camp administrations of different flavors which control their designated territories.
So much for the absolute freedom & total democracy!


File: 1692305374057.png ( 258.35 KB , 2400x1100 , destroy.png )

Destroy everything.


>It is illegal to
>you can't even free yourself from a forced patronage of @ least one UN-approved government.
Technically there are stateless people, tho it's very questionable how free these people are.

>So much for the absolute freedom & total democracy!

I think democracy is as perpetual as the laws of nature. After-all people un-elected plenty of absolute monarchs. Most famously the French, who were on the cutting edge of democracy at that point in time.


even not-going school is illegal

or not learning state language

(still nazi) germany (west) has hitler's law still in power that you basically have to go to school as a kid

if you don't go you're hitler or something


in feodal times feodal / monarch at least was responsible for you

now if you die its okay (its the reason borders are open too, because workers ppl even worth less that way; they can be replaced (and are replaced everywhere))


>in feodal times
>monarch at least was responsible for you
When monarchs fucked it up and people died, they dodged responsibility by blaming it on "divine punishment".
Everybody that pointed out how much BS that was, got some more of that "divine punishment".
People cut off the heads of these fuckers for a reason.

Democracy in feudalism was bloody as fuck. If the King was no good, you had to kill the King to unelect him. And then you had to find a competent leader in the King's family tree and murder everybody ahead in the line of succession for the throne. It was a terrible system that required way to much slaughter.

Bourgeois democracy is still shit, but at least it's possible to change leadership without bloodshed.



you misquoted it (or misread)
feudal was technically responsible for you and had even limited power upon you (sometimes significant, but basically feodalism was different in countries. in japan it was different etc. its not very well defined)

technically it was different that way
and monarch is just some extention to it
not only that you were also basically given lifetime employement (sort of maybe like in japan)

and basically today you don't have such 'privilegies'

so yeah even shittier than that

no responsibility whatsoever at the end of the day

lmao even americans need to have something like 'right to work' and they think thats advanced or something lmao

basically ppl 1000 years back had right to work


>basically feodalism was different in countries
it was different in one country too brainlet - early decentralized feudalism was different from the late absolutist feudalism


thats not really important

the important part that there were regional differences

countries maybe didn't exist in its current form anyway


>the important part that there were regional differences

the differences in time are far more significant than regional differences


not an argument (also take meds)


>My imaginary version of feudalism had some upsides
Actually existing feudalism worked like this:
90% of the population had to do subsistence farming, which meant they lived short, brutal and austere lives. The nobility, the aristocrats, the barons,… and the theocracy, stole most of the food they farmed. People got subjected to physical torture, psychological terror and arbitrary punishment. Also feudalism regularly had severe famines where significant numbers of the population starved to death. People were kept artificially ignorant because even basic literacy training was suppressed. Religion was mandatory, and if you didn't believe their fantasy, they tried to stone or burn you to death.

The only thing about feudalism that didn't completely suck was that during agricultural off-season, people had a lot more free time.


and now you just do heroin instead of all of this


Yes you are correct, people are still being subjected to degrading conditions.
However the drug mafia can be defeated too.

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