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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1692241396792.jpg ( 62.08 KB , 1140x570 , imrankhan.jpg )


Thought this deserved a thread already. The US recently orchestrated a military against the prime minister of Pakistan. Pakistan has basically had de facto military rule for decades. Control of the prime ministership has oscillated back and forth between two major families while the military rules from the shadows. What was perhaps different this time is that the current prime minister was enormously popular and people had the impression that things were moving in a more democratic direction.

However, he didn't do exactly as he was told by the US like a good boy, so he had to go, and now one of the world's major nuclear powers is in a state of instability. What's in the future for Pakistan now? Is there a danger of India stepping in and some idiot provoking a nuclear exchange?


The US recently orchestrated a military coup* against the prime minister of Pakistan.

Goddamnit some day I'll make an OP without typos.




Also, I would like to hear from someone who lives in that region, and not some multipolar westoid. Thank you.


>I would like to hear from someone who lives in that region


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Wtf, is Twitter becoming based?


>Twitter becoming based?
Maybe, but consider that they might be worried about credibility too. Regime-change-Tony self-styling himself as Mr. Orderly-process-Democracy is perhaps too much of a stretch.

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