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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1691910543850.mp4 ( 3.43 MB , 1080x1920 , Snapinsta.app_video_121419….mp4 )


This is the 'right wing' 'fascist' Italian PM that the reddit'left' is shreeking about.

At what point did you realize everything is a lie?




Broken clock.
She was literally a fascist in the '90s, and even here, where she's saying something right, she can't help but make it about claiming others are "bringing Africans to Europe."


That's right comrade. If you don't make vapid moral proclamations while having no skin in the game, you're a fashist


classic fashoid populism


>If you don't make vapid moral proclamations
that's what she does tho


>what is that populism political tactic?
<In September 1911 he participated in a riot, led by socialists, against the Italian war in Libya. He bitterly denounced Italy's "imperialist war", an action that earned him a five-month jail term. After his release, he helped expel Ivanoe Bonomi and Leonida Bissolati from the Socialist Party, as they were two "revisionists" who had supported the war.
Yeah bro, seems like Italy got another aspiring "socialist" as a potential leader. Die Lebt just keeps winning everywhere, what a time to be alive!



It's even funnier because Meloni has never even been a socialist. She has less socialist cred than Mussolini.

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