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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Game theory is the science of strategy.
Memetics is the study of cultural change.
Combine the two and you have a perfect recipe for conjuring the apocalypse.





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The cult of kek, "meme magic" and meme war culture is a Russian psyop.

That psyop evolved into Qanon, Jan 6th, and COVID disinfo. Now Musk is trying to recreate it and 4chan on a massive scale with twitter.


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I know where I am. Time is up.



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Snow is now all contaminated by weather engineering chemicals now


I, uh, you know, I was going to say this was sort of stupid, kinda trite. "Look at this post!!!" type stuff. Hey, though, it's still sort of interesting - can you give me the short of it?


I can't really make heads or tails of this stuff, i admit.

However it is very obvious that in the US's bourgeois political spectacle, one of the bourgeois factions started (7 or 8 years ago) accusing the other bourgeois faction of being part of a Russian conspiracy. It does look like you are playing into that particular inter-bourgeois political kerfuffle.

Usually socialists do not really care about that stuff because it's different parts of the ruling class calling each other names, like a really big kindergarten shouting match. But that shit spilled over and a bunch of liberals started accusing actual leftists like soc-dems and communists of being Russian spies. That's where the fun ends and the political moniker "Russian psyop" now signifies potential political persecution of the economic left.


how did you even find this place


I have tried to make as quick a rundown as I can:


Omniquery. We're The Best At Search. :P


Nice narrative based on armchair ideology without any reference to factual reality whatsoever.
"Factual reality is a bourgeois canard!"


>"Factual reality is a bourgeois canard!"
this but unironically


… why'd you post it to Reddit? Can you post it here?


>why'd you post it to Reddit?
Because the format is far superior.
>Can you post it here?
No, if you can't click a link I can't help you.


>Because the format is far superior.

That format is way worse, actually.

>No, I won't explain wtf I'm on about


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