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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1691534793775-0.jpeg ( 512.94 KB , 2360x1615 , Chernobyl Prometheus.jpeg )

File: 1691534793775-1.jpeg ( 98.19 KB , 960x700 , Stalingrad Children.jpeg )


You heard me. The fuck was wrong with them? Those monuments are creepy as fuck. Children dancing around a crocodile? Really? It's like they were made for a disaster.


File: 1691534959916.jpg ( 134.27 KB , 1024x1529 , Chernobyl NPP.jpg )

Just look at this shit. This is straight out of Bioshock.


File: 1691535596215.jpeg ( 737.44 KB , 2360x1569 , Chernobyl Lenin.jpeg )

Ukraine's last Lenin. When you're literally too cancerous.



You're right. Mid-20th century architecture totally ripped off this video game from 2007. Please don't tell anyone about this, it's so embarrassing!


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Idolatry ist still kringke


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unironically………………………………………………………………………………………….. … they didnt keep it real


The Soviets made mostly awesome statues



It came before bioshock so it's really the inspiration for it?


>Just look at this shit. This is straight out of Bioshock.
Reminded me of this video, lol

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