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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Frente Obrero ("Worker's Front") just got 46.000 votes in the spanish elections

They're so-called patriotic revolutionaries who oppose mass immigration and are against gender ideology, pro-small businesses, pro-rent control and wanna pull out of NATO and EU

I'm thinking based


From what I could translate of their programme they seem based. All the other parties in the Spanish election were utter dogshit so I wish them luck.


>pro-small businesses
They're trash. Small businesses crush workers just like megacorporations, they just do it differently and manage to get it away with it due to an unwarranted cult around them.


I'm thinking based. you're getting caught up on what could be a temporary alliance time will tell. I don't know the conditions of Spain but if bloodying the nose of the bourgeoisie requires an alliance with petty bourgeois factions I would take that deal in a heartbeat.



Nah, this just sounds like fascism. "Oh, it's a workers' party, except explicitly allied with petit bourgs, and with a bunch of dumb reactionary culture war shit." They've got some good stuff they're advocating, but your defense of them still comes off pretty limp.

Wiki sez that they also support free university education - what's Spain's current university model like?


>nationalization of key economic sectors
lol just because the party supports old macdonald or the sandwich shop down the road doesn't fucking mean that it's a fascist party. Entirely leagues ahead of the outright collaborationist attitudes of Chinese inspired parties like the KPRF. We need more info on the depths of their support.

Everyone else is so entrenched in culture war shit that you have to make a statement against fags or they will enter your party unopposed. I agree that the anti fag art on their homepage is pretty retarded though. They should keep it classy like CPGB (ML) uyghas.


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Interesting development, if you follow this, pls consider updating this thread from time to time.

Standard Marxist theory considers the chauvinistic reactionary imperial finance bourgeoisie, trying to establish an open bourgeois dictatorship as the source of fascism.


>patriotic (= reactionary faschizos) revolutionaries (= populists)
>pro-small businesses (the core of popular fascist movements, as opposed to elitarian types of fascism)

>Political position: Syncretic

>>the FO is not explicitly communist. Their political ideology is a syncretic combination of left-wing economic positions and usually right-wing social viewpoints (= NazBollz)
>>Factions: Hoxhaism

>they defend Hispanic identity (reactionary idpol, another faschizo point)

>They oppose surrogacy & cosmopolitanism ("me so speshul cuz muh genes daddy reich protect me social lebensraum" ‒ another one)

>It has also been accused of giving credit to the Great Replacement theory

>>Last week, excerpts from a video went viral on social networks in which a well-known personality from the world of the Internet gave a speech that ended up leading to a final conclusion: "The enemy right now is the one who defends open borders and globalism," he emphatically stated
>>On the other hand, just this week we have witnessed a tragic attack by jihadist aspirations against a Catholic church in Algeciras, where a man with a psychiatric history murdered a sacristan while shouting religious fundamentalist slogans. As expected and, despite the unanimous message from the members of the affected church and the Muslim community of the municipality who demanded that the event not be politicized, many people, including this well-known personality, were quick to use the event to stigmatize to the Muslim religion, to people of Arab origin and to the phenomenon of migration in general (bitch literally uses the' fascist principle of collective responsibility!)''
>>In his videos and live broadcasts, Roberto Vaquero endlessly launches comments on immigration that could be perfectly raised (or have already been) by figures from the most radical right, such as Richard B. Spencer or Renaud Camus: "Nationalities in Spain they give themselves away, they have requirements that are rubbish”; "I have gone through cities in France and I have not seen any French", "They are going to destroy our culture", "This type of people is too much in our country", among others. In summary, odes and audiovisual odes against immigration (both legal and illegal, since as he has been in charge of remarking, it is contrary to both) and in defense of nativist and xenophobic positions, reaching the point of defending the theory of the neo-Nazi conspiracy known as The Great Replacement, also defended by parties like Vox in Spain or personalities like Eric Zemmour in France
>>In other words, this speech has of course been picked up by the extreme right in the media and its different speakers, who do not hesitate to also share Roberto Vaquero's speech, invite him to their channels and media, such as 7NN, the Francisco Franco Foundation network, Vox and the El Yunque sect. A very strange thing about movements that call themselves anti-communist and wage a "culture war" against the left, labeling even moderate left movements as radical or communist
>>(too much to quote) Summarizing: in Spain there are more than extensive requirements to be able to obtain nationality and, added to this, a marked component of historical and cultural affiliation with the country emerges from them (an issue that Roberto Vaquero indirectly denies throughout his videos), non-existent in other developed countries
>>If the previous argument does not convince us, we can always go to the classification made by the 2020 annual report (the last one published) of the Migrant Integration Policy Index, which places Spain at the tail of developed countries in terms of access to nationality, giving it a score of thirty out of one hundred and placing it in the "slightly unfavorable" category
>>(too much to quote) Despite the fact that to Roberto Vaquero the Spanish Immigration Law seems like a "joke" due to its theoretical "permissibility" (in his video he even ridicules the critical voices that accuse it of being extremely segregative and restrictive), the reality is that it establishes highly restrictive assumptions for migrants who want to regularize their situation and has been accused of violating the fundamental rights of migrants in an irregular situation, as has been demonstrated
>>In other words, in Spain, around 15% of the population is foreign. In 10 years, it has increased by barely 2%
>>In his videos, Roberto Vaquero affirms that these data are a "drama" a "dystopia", and should "worry us", since in his opinion the "tragic" process of demographic transformation that Spain is undergoing will end up suppressing culture Spain and the country as an entity in itself ("we are going to become a neighborhood in New York")
>>We do not know the theoretical training that Roberto Vaquero has beyond orthodox Marxism, but it is clear that his reasoning, and even more important, the almost apocalyptic consideration from which he gives, fits perfectly with far-right conspiracy theories such as El Great Replacement or the Kalergi Plan, which support the same arguments and evaluative criteria as Vaquero: that the gradual replacement of the native population by the foreign population is real, and that this is a serious problem

>[Their] banner, placed on a building in the Madrid neighbourhood of Aluche, reproduced a caricatured image of Pedro Sánchez and Mohamed VI kissing each other on the mouth with the slogan "may Mohamed VI vote for you"

>>The banner was removed days later by an anti-fascist group that put up a banner with other slogans (even antiFa is pissed off by them. not a good sign)

>"We are the worker and patriotic alternative in this country. The only party that represents the workers"

>'MEETING by Roberto Vaquero - "For our COUNTRY, for the WORKERS"'
>"Spanish “democracy” is so rotten" (attacks on democracy as a concept are too one of the columns of precisely faschizo thought, unlike the socialist ones. can't have die ordnung when citizens got more rights than la poor weak reich)

>No docs on the future policies of Spain if they will get to power, only more populistic idpol or just vague bullshit about muh gubbrmint do bad

>Instead of docs there are only more propaganda shoyce.zipfile which has this:
>>Without complexities: ("it's simple bros! we just need to…")
>>1. for a revolutionary patriotism (implying Spain is a colony to some power lmao)
>>2. in defense of our borders (proletarians have no borders, fag)
>>3. against the political class (?????) (this is ringing all of my faschizo alarms already. the only class that are here are economical ones. when someone starts inventing bullshit about other "classes" then you surely know it is a damn reacto doing that)
>>4. against the degeneration of gender ideology (gender is a meme made for enforcing people into roles of reproduction of the alienating society that is imposed on them. "gender" IS degeneration of true & natural human relationships you reactionary nazocringoid who wants more slaves to exploit & send to wars)
>>5. in defense of our culture (culture must be created, not "defended", you fucking reacto)
>>6. Let's promote the workers' struggle (support our troops, just do it, etc)
>>7. against Islamization (pedochurchpaniccuckoid culture warrior bespoken)
>>8. in defense of the autonomies (implying that…)
>>9. for the unity of Spain (…that you're a fucking whitey reactionary who will crush any attempts @ national liberation in the territories of the so-called "Spain")
>>10. in defense of the Spanish camp (literally imperialistic 2nd international tier cringe. go die fuh ouh "nayshun" interests when needed you shitty prole)

>No defamation of porkerie, @ all (hinting @ class solidarism)

>No statements on Catalunya & other separatista movements, but we already understand why, don't we?
>No statement on China-US Russia-Ukraine meatgrinder

>Some another shitty animal as a logo, & a hunting one, & a fucking king of the animals @ that!

>Literally (pic. 2) retardation. Implying what a wohka's thinking about is surely muh fags instead of their job's faggot management with their ultra-faggot bosses (faggot = fasces omg deep)
>>"the kiss of Judas (with an lgbt flag uh-huh) between the Moroccan monarch and Pedro Sánchez to denounce how the interests of Spain have prostrated themselves before the successive blackmails of the neighboring Islamic (& not just simply religious/fundamentalist, but for some reason you have to clarify that identity, don't you?) dictatorship"
>their fuhrer (pic. 3) looks like a fucking neonazi. Ultra-individualistic "Live fast, die last" logo on the t-shirt is just an icing of the ki– I mean on the cake.

>80 fucking j*vascripts @ landing

<I'm thinking tis based!

This is the absolute state of l*ftypol.

>inb4 but muh nazionalization!

There's nothing contradictory in having both a reactionary political regime with nationalized economy if some degree of social stability is needed by the main investors in a ruling (or aspiring) political party. You tards always forget that grabbing as much bootypousi from the society in yo private prop as possible is considered system sabotage by the ruling class since le 2nd Great Depression. Since then the point of political shenanigans was in collective maintaining then present exploitation order even @ a profit loss (your IMF bros can always throw you a new bone to chew on) & the fact that a global neofascist economy is considerably worse @ gaining profit (see Japan) but is extremely well for maintaining sociopolitical order by any means necessary (see the entire state of human society) shows us better than anything the sheer lengths the bourgs are ready to go in trying to pacify or divert the coming social revolts.

In the best case scenario these NazCaps are just playing on the societal spookery about muh spics mudslimes after witnessing the Chilean left's disaster when le people stopped giving any fuck about progressive rights & started to obsess over crime instead.
But considering their full social reactionarism right @ the start & the cringeful symbolics they use it is dead obvious that this is a yet another try @ subversion of werking middle classes into solidarization with the nation-government, given what bloody shitfest is about to smash on the world & especially the indebted states of the world to which Spain belongs. Constant news from previous years about full reactionaries posing as leftists specifically in Spain also support this conclusion.
Not like there were no previous attempts tho… (pic. 1)

nice bait

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